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Mandatory Sales Office in COPA

0 Kudos

Hi Experts

I want selcetion of sales office to be mandatory when a user enters a customer in profitability Segment "PSG". I have other derivations and can not make a derivation for customer-sales office, to avoid "Not assigned" sales office I need the user to enter the sales office in any case when he make posting to PSG.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Create a char group in KEPA and assign it to the Business Transaction in KE4G or Assign it to the Line item level (Record Type) in KEVG2....

If this does not meet your criteria, you can use exit COPA001 in your derivation rule....

Ideally, in my opinion, a derivation rule should serve your requirement... You can write a derivation step and tick the check box in "Attributes" tab to issue error message if no value found... you can also specify conditions in the "Conditions" tab so that this derivaton step would trigger only in certain situations

Br, Ajay M

0 Kudos

Dear Ajay

I went for derivation and it works fine. Thanks

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Try and see if the 'characteristics group' functionality meets your requirements. You have to define a char group (KEPA) where you specify which chars are mandatory. Then you assign that char group to a set of transactions (KE4G)

