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landed cost in shipment document to be copied into purchase order

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i need to create conditions in shipment cost to be copied into purchase order before GRN as the following example:

Purchase order conditions ZFR1 , ZFR2 , ZFR3

shipment cost conditions will be the same.

i need to enter the exact amount in the shipment cost then it will be copied to each condition

can you provide step by step to solve that case.

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Active Contributor
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Are these costs ZFR1, ZFR2 and ZFR3 not known during creation of PO and your PO released with these costs along with material cost?

Option-1> If Yes- you can do GR and all these costs will be captured- can carry out invoice

Option-2>If No- you can do GR and Invoice for PO. Later, You can do subsequent debit for your PO with these cost

Option-3>If No- Add this cost in PO and release the PO again. You can do GR and Invoice for PO

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hi bijay,

thank you for the provided solution , but in my case the costs are not known during the PO and we need to assign the actual cost per shipment to the exact GR quantity before the GRN done it will be only way to assign shipment cost

Active Contributor
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Once actual shipment cost updated/known update that PO by any mean and you may have PO release function as optional and then do GR and IV else try any custom solution suitable to you.

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but this is not normal practice , the policy said once the po released u can't updated it so we have to go through the standard solution of copying the shipment cost

Active Contributor
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Reach out to your design/ support team for your requirement -- they will check current system design for your business process and then team will suggest options for your wanted requirement/s.