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KE28 with KEND

0 Kudos

Hi Waman

Do you know that KE28 will consider KEND from table CE4xxxx or will consider COPA records from table CE1xxxx? Currently we are using KE28 and we have not yet used KEND.

Thank you again for your valuable inputs/advice.

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As mentioned in the following blog, "Transaction KE28 reads segment data meaning tables CE4XXXX and CE3XXXX (XXXX = operating concern). So only the segment level characteristics are available in KE28."

You may also refer to the other relevant blog about KE28.

Best regards, Miya

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

0 Kudos

Thanks, Miya. I checked further that it is confirmed that KE28 will consider the revised sales partner information (thanks to KEND) that is from the table CE4XXXX.

0 Kudos

Hi Ankur, currently, we don't use KEND functionality to derive again the profitability segment for old characteristics to new characteristics for example sales partner, for those sales order that have later changes made in the sales order partner function. So we decided to use KEND functionality to address this issue. However, since we are also using KE28 (Top-down distribution) to allocate unallocated variances in COPA to distribute to COPA characteristics such as sales partner. Therefore, we wonder whether during KE28 process, will KE28 use KEND profitability segment records (with revised sales partner) or use the original COPA postings (with the old sales partner), for distribution? Yes, the standard SAP functionality is used for customer request.

Thank you.

Active Contributor
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Could you please elaborate your requirement, is it for Customer??