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IT0008 PS group

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Hi Experts,

I am facing a problem when i create IT0008 for an emp. there is a req. field PS group and Level i think i need to be configure please correct if i am wrong.Please advice how to solve this issue.

Looking forward for your prompt response.

Ankur Garg.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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V_T510 series tables

u need to configrue PSGroup and Level

and check V_T7ina1 , 3 and 5 also

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Transaction Code:-OH00

Personnel Management Personnel AdministrationPayroll DataBasic PayCheck PayScale Type

Transaction Code:-OH00

Personnel Management Personnel AdministrationPayroll DataBasic PayCheck PayScale Area

Transaction Code:-OH00

Personnel Management Personnel AdministrationPayroll DataBasic PayCheck Assignment of PayScale Structure to Enterprise Structure

Transaction Code:-OH00

Personnel Management Personnel AdministrationPayroll DataBasic PayDetermine Default for PayScale Data

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I configure TARIF feature however still i am getting same issue.

Please advice.

Ankur Garg.

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0 Kudos

Try with V_t710

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This error comes "View/table V_T710 can only be displayed and maintained with restrictions".

Thanks for your help.

Ankur Garg.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


not an issue with Tariff it is with configuration only

try to check the configuration and there groupings

and tell me wht exactly the error u are getting

are u working for which country pay roll

Edited by: Sikindar on Apr 30, 2009 6:55 PM

Former Member
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What error are you getting?

Did you configure the V_T510 table for a specific Payscale Type and payscale Area?

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Sikindar ,

I am working for US payroll.After Terif configuration i am getting M003-Wage type and getting bellow message "Wage type M003 not permitted for EE subgroup grouping 1 ".

I also check V_T511 dates :from 01.01.1900 to 31.12.9999.

Thanks for your support.

Ankur Garg.

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Check the Permissiblility of ur wage type

check V_503_ALL and mainly the Permissiblity u have not ticked the ESG groiping for that wage type

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Check your wage type in the table V_511_B given permissability and v_503_all

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This message was moderated.

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check V_511_B and V_503_ALL or V_001P_ALL

some where there is grouping problme

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Hi Sikindar,

Thanks ..

V_511_B was not permissible .Now it's working fine.

I appriciate your continues help.

Ankur Garg.

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it is Wage type Permissibility for PSA

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In IMG what is the path to see?This is 1 way through view how we can go from IMG?

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give V_511_B

u will find 4 tabls select last tab CUSTOMISINING u will get anothe pop up

there select Continue without Specifyint the Object

try and let me know

Personnel Management Personnel AdministrationPayroll DataBasic PayWage Types Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG

Edited by: Sikindar on May 2, 2009 11:45 AM

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

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there is bug in sap, when you give country grouping, its checking too1 and taking all the company codes which are assigned US. and taking the currency USD. but the first company code 1000 is coming in the table and taking its currency. so solution for it is just change the currency of the first company code in the list from too1 table which are assigned to us county grouping.

it solves the probem.

there is function module in the rp_get_currency which is doing the job behind the country relevant tables

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pay scale structure is must it can be segregated into following elemnets like

1, pay scale area

2, pay scale group

3, pay scale type

4, pay scale level

grouping is also must

1, personnel calculation rule (PCR)

2, collective agreement provision(CAP)


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Configure V_T510 and V_T710 tables

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Check your feature assignment of TARIF through PE03

