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Is there a way to combine a Goods Receipt and Goods Issue to reflect an item conversion/breakdown?

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Our legacy system automatically breaks down a larger UoM of a product into the smaller UoM product as needed.

Here's an example. Product A is a box containing 50 Product Bs. When Product B's inventory level is below threshold, a breakdown only transaction occurs that decreases Product A's stock by one and increases Product B's inventory by 50.

In SAP B1, I can reflect this via a Goods Issue of 1 Product A and a Goods Receipt of 50 Product B.

Is there a way to automate this or perform this function in one transaction instead of two?

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For automating it, generally speaking if if a development does not require a user interface, but it is rather a background processing, we use the integration framework. So we would build an integration package that runs an SQL query every 15 minutes querying items under minimum stock and then posting the transaction through either the Service Layer or DI API. This kind of development is much easier than the SDK kind.