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Is Long term planning is removed from S4 HANA

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Hi All,

Can we not do LTP in S4 HANA now, also what about enhancement/user exits used for various PP t-code will those be same or that will also change because from what I read most of changes in S4 HANA for PP are relevant to MRP only.

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Long term planning and MRP are not the same!!! Even though the logic is similar, LTP runs on simulative scenarios and there are different transaction codes to run and evaluate the LTP results.

Answering to the original question of this thread, LTP is still there in S/4HANA. You can still use it, with the same transactions that were used in ECC.

Regarding the enhancements, there are some changes for MRP and some of the MRP BAdIs that were available in ECC will not work in S/4HANA, especially in MRP Live. In the S/4HANA 1511 simplification list SAP provides a list of the affected BAdIs and the respective AMDP BAdI that should be used.


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Hello Caetano, do you know where I can find a list of the difference between LTP in ECC and LTP in S/4Hana? There's maybe a note or a KBA?