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is it possible to create PO without PIR? PIR what is the real time use of PIR?


is it possible to create PO without PIR? PIR what is the real time use of PIR?

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hello ,

this is actually a basic Question , and you will get a answer on google.

but yes as mentioned in the earlier comments , itspossible to have PO without PIR . PIR data iwll be auto created witht he check box in PO line (Info Update).

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Answer 1 : Yes. The PO can be created without PIR.
Answer 2 : Purchasing Info Record (PIR) is used to keep a record of value with reference to Material and Vendor combination. This record can be maintained at purchasing organization level or at purchasing organization and plant level.

If this record is maintained in the system then it saves time while creating purchasing document by copying the price and conditions from PIR to purchasing document.

This record can be updated for each material and vendor combination manually or automatically by setting info update indicator while creating purchase order (in material data tab in item details section), while maintaining RFQ, ....