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Hello experts!

Does anyone have any experience with IP30H that can provide some insight on how it actually works? I have been unable to find any useful documentation on this transaction other than the below example.

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Hi Jeff, can I ask what the end goal of your use of IP30H is? From what I can tell from this documentation (also all I could find) and from looking at the transaction in my system, it looks like this just schedules ALL maintenance plans in the system?

The confusing part is that the "specific time frame" is actually just a single field with a unit, so I'm not sure what that behavior is. It's also odd that it would just schedule ALL maintenance plans without more detailed selection criteria.

Come to think of it, this is probably why one of the custom SAP programs I've worked on in the past has been a tool for mass management and manipulation of maintenance plans...

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We have several reasons. One is that our company does not follow a typical Plant Based Structure, so we cant really say, create a Sort Field per Plant, and schedule by plant, because the equipment (and Maintenance Plans) in any given plant is constantly changing.  We are a construction company, and most of our equipment is purchased through corporate, and throughout its life cycle could be used in hundreds of different locations (Construction projects). We are adding new equipment, (And Maint Plans) and getting rid of old equipment weekly.

Right now, I am running variants in IP30 using only Maintenance Strategy.

Some of our Strategies, including "No Strategy" or single cycle / multiple counter plans,  have large numbers of plans, and the quantity of plans grows daily.

I currently run IP30 with 6 different variants using combinations of different strategies running in parallel starting at the same time every night.. They usually range from 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours per job. Before splitting up the job, it would average over 4 hours per night, and sometimes never finish if there were large numbers of errors. 

I was hoping to find a more efficient way to schedule plans besides IP30.

According to what little documentation I did find, SAP says "The system carries out a reselection taking numerous parameters into account (For example, Dates, strategies, counter readings). This ensures the system only processes maintenance plans that are due"

Most of our plans are counter based, and most of our measurement points are updated nightly from satellite feed into sap. I would think if SAP meter reading is updated with the same reading it was the day before, then the plan would not need rescheduled. We also have a fairly large quantity of plans not started.

IP30 also seems to try and schedule plans, even though they are not started, or even set as inactive, so I was hoping the new transaction would take those things into account. The other option might be in the future, would be to build a pre-selection program that dynamically creates the selection of plans before IP30 runs.

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So to sum this up, you want IP30 to run more quickly??

If you are not using the sort field in the plan header (IP02) for another purpose. Then you could have a value of "deleted" set in those maintenance plans that are deactivated. Then exclude these "deleted" records in IP30.

For reference: here is the IP30H selection-screen which is part of switch EAM_SFWS_MPS1:


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Thanks for the response. We have not used sort field in the maintenance plan yet. I have been considering using it for exactly the purpose you suggested, but this creates additional ongoing data maintenance that SAP should already have a solution for. I would not expect scheduling to try and schedule de-active plans.  Also, we have already activated the business function LOG_EAM_MPS1, and have IP30H assigned to a role. Which is the purpose of asking the question, how it actually works. SAP documentation says that if you have large number of maintenance plans, you should use it, and that it preforms a pre-selection up front, and only schedules plans that need to be scheduled. I would question the reason why SAP would create a new transaction, and suggest that you use it, when it serves no useful purpose over the existing program.


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I fully agree with you..

We have a tenancy to stick with what we know e.g. the IP30 option with the sort field..

In terms of IP30H, open an OSS Message to SAP asking for more details.

I've done the same at this end as we are interested in IP30H too.


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FYI - here's what I got back from my OSS Message regarding IP30H:



  1. This transaction is new with EHP616/EHP7 and it can be used as alternative to older IP30. Comparing IP30 it is much more fast when scheduling maintenance plans because of HANA usage and parallel server optimization.
  2. There is new business switch LOG_EAM_MPS1 which enables the functionality. You can also read some more info in customizing documentation for this switch.
  3. Once you execute IP30H you can specify only Timeframe (number of days), Server Group for Parallel Process and Number of Parallel Processes (as many processes as faster scheduling process - but should be some realistic number like 5, 10 or so).
  4. We have also some new SAP notes which enhances this transaction with further selection parameters - see notes 2164365, 2215469.

That's it. Once you execute selection criteria - program starts scheduling as it would be done by IP30. But this time it is much more faster.

Of course, it depends if customer uses some own / additional logic for older IP30. This should be done discussed how to adopt it in new IP30H.

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Thanks for the follow up.

I find the Notes interesting in that they are adding selection criteria that people have been wanting for years in IP30.

I am going to have these 2 notes implemented in our sandbox and test them out.

Also, I have been communicating with someone from SAP that has offered to put me in touch with someone who can go over in greater detail how the program actually works. I will post more when I get more information.
