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Invoice from ERS to use quantity from PO instead from SES (GR)

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Dear Everyone,

I would like to ask about possibility for below requirement. I tried to search the internet and tried to check configuration by myself but could not find the answer.

System : SAP Public Cloud 2302

This is for the case of PO to purchase external service. This PO is set up for ERS. So once we accept SES, GR is created and invoice is automatically created. The amount in invoice is based on received quantity in GR (Mat Doc). Our special requirement is to generate invoice that its amount is based on PO qty (not GR qty). Is this possible to do?

It is the scenario that we pay the service company full price even though the use less service hours than in PO.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi pete.lantharntong,

It is the scenario that we pay the service company full price even though the use less service hours than in PO.

What you're looking for (SES quantity < PO quantity) should in theory be possible by disabling the "Goods Receipt based Invoice verification" in the PO. With this, the supplier invoice can bill more than the actual time/materials consumed.

However, in practice, disabling 'GR based IV' also requires you to disable 'Goods Receipt', as both work hand in hand. If only one of these fields is enabled, you will receive the following error: 'Goods Receipt' and 'GR-Bsd Inv. Verif.' must have the same value.

Disabling both these field basically means that an SES doesn't have to be created, and this setting doesn't seem to be supported currently (testing this configuration doesn't allow the PO to be saved). There doesn't seem to be any documentation on this particular issue, so it seems that the 3NI process flow mandates the SES creation, which is only possible by enabling 'Goods Receipt' and 'GR based Inv'.

So in conclusion, for service order based PO's, it seems like the supplier invoice can only be created for the actual quantity recorded via the SES. Hope this clarifies your question!

Best regards