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Invoice failed with pricing error and not able to cancel due to errors related to the Payer

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Here I have created an Inter company invoice, but it has failed with pricing error due to PI01 (Inter company pricing condition) missing in the invoice.

Here the issue was occurring due to the PI01 condition record which is created after the creation of the invoice. Unfortunately the invoice is already processed, so that the condition record is not updated in the condition tab. But it is there in the pricing analysis tab.

When I go for cancelling the invoice, I am getting several errors, in which payer is not extended to the sales area which is there in the Inter company invoice. The business is not ready to extend the sales area.

So I have found We can create the new Inter company invoice by changing the status of the delivery to "Not yet processed" in the VBUK and VBUP table.

can anyone tell me is it will cause any impacts on the documents? Please help me ASAP, because business is waiting for our answer to create the new invoice.

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Active Contributor
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If an accounting document is not created for Inter-company Invoice then you may re-determine the condition type PI01 in the Invoice.

VF02>enter invoice > Go to Item condition tab > Click on "Conditio Update" icon> Click on Carry out new pricing and check if itsdetermining or not.



0 Kudos

Hi Kamalesh,

Thanks for your reply.

I already tried this VF02 option. But PI01 is not updating. That is why I am trying for the above option.

Akash K

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Akash,

Is the Pricing Date of the Intercompany Invoice and validity dates of PI01 Condition Record in sync?

What Pricing Type are you using to re-price the Intercompany Invoice?
