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Internal Communication Error Handling / Business Task Distribution

0 Kudos

Dear Community,

I am currently struggling with error handling in an "Internal Communication".

In one of our add ons there is an interface between two deployment units where field service worktimes are transferred into the HCM module via asynchronous XML messages. That works fine so far but there may occurr errors in the target BO that no one notices because they only show up in the admin UI [Application and User Managment>Process Communication Errors>Open Errors with Incidents].

Better would be a task that notifies responsible employees to check the respective business documents and correct data entered therein.

Creating tasks from process communication errors is obviously possible and described in the Studio Documentation under "Define Service Integration Error Handling". I followed the steps and business tasks are created in case of errors. These tasks can now be found in [Application and User Managment>Process Communication Errors>Open Errors with Tasks]. I can even subscribe to these tasks from within my [Home>Inbox] and receive e-mail-notifications when they are created. Everything fineso far.

I just don't get how to make these errors visible in the [Home>Inbox>Open Items] of specific employees. If I manually take them over, they show up in [Home>Inbox>Closed Items] but what I am missing is the initial assignment to responsible individuals.

The studio documentation vaguely states "the tasks will be assigned to the administrator who is responsible for the support area that the target business object belongs to".

> What is meant by "administrator"?
> What is meant by "support area"?
> Target BO is a custom BO, how do I know which "support area" it belongs to?
> How can I assign a Business User to be responsible for my process?

By the way: Is it possible to change the sending document from within the "Internal Communication" with some sort of backlog-message (e.g. to set a status to "inconsistent" in the process communication error-scenario)?

Appreciate any hints.

Kind Regards

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Dear Pablo,

When you see the Process Communication errors in Application and User Management work center >Process Communication Errors>Open Errors with Incidents, you need NOT to show the task to responsible user. In such cases system itself creates an incident and send to us(SAP) for investigation.

Once we receive the task our teams will check and let you know the steps to resolve these errors. Also note that, you will not be able to see the incident in Application and User Management work center > Incidents view.

How we inform you:

1) We will acknowledge the resolution steps via E-mail. Subject Line: "Action Required"

2) We will contact the person maintained under Service Control work center > Contact Details view (IT Contact)

I think it will help you to clear the errors easily.

Thanks & Regards,

Harsh Patel

0 Kudos

Dear Harsh,

thank you for your response.

I don't think we're on the same page. My errors are caused by contextually wrong business data and although they show up in the "Open Errrors with Incidents" list, there is no need for SAP to check them (which - by the way - to my knowledge also hasn't happend since we run this add-on solution). Checks would only be necessary in cases of technical misfunctions or standard SAP components not working, which both is not the case in my scenario.

However, as stated, my question is going in a totally different direction being the business task distribution of "Open Errors with Tasks" generated from my Internal Communication / process communication interface.

Kind Regards