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INFO: Notes available in the market place

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Hi Partners

I would like to invite you to read the notes available in the market place.

All partner with s-User are able to view those notes.

You will find valuable data and important tips.

I've copied below the short description of all the

SDK available notes:

Note# Description

600803 Incorrect Gross Profit in Marketing Doc generated by DI SDK

600804 Incorrect Journal Entry when using acqisition tax

612558 Problems connecting to Business One via the DI SDK

615987 SAP Business One Software Development Kit - dev.environments

626733 Compatibility List SAP Business One SDK

628155 SAP Business One SDK - system requirements

647987 SAP Business One SDK - Name prefix reservation

670425 Accessing User fields when using SDK tools (Index).

676313 Partner app dev.Net need to call garbage collector

676314 User menus on will be added at the end of the popup list.

690910 SDK_Negative rows in A/R Invoice cannot be imported using DI

691743 How to get offline template?

693922 Upgrating SDK versions

695995 SDK_Documents with negative totals can be created by DI API

634111 Working with XML files generated by DI API in version 6.2

642676 COM Exception occurs when adding marketing doc. Java connector

664110 Creating Credit Memo based on return fails

670376 Connecting to the SQL server when running the DI API

676248 Decimal digits are truncated when using API DI. (',' versus '.')

677890 Unbalanced transactions when importing transactions

684760 Creating a contact person via the DI API - missing property

684998 SDK_Service A/P Invoice created without tax via DI or DTW

687584 alphanumeric User Defined Field is created with a fixed size

687593 How to identify if an object is exposed in DI API

691017 SDK_Incorrect Ship to address in documents created by DI API

692351 DI API crashes when using DI API in .NET while connectin and disconnecting several times

693010 SDK_The function 'GetLineData' returns error -1001

693011 SDK_DI API crashes when using .Net

693012 SDK_GetCurrentPeriod property missing in DI API

693950 SDK_Crash occurs when recording Stock Transfer with a BP

694413 I can't connect to a restored DB using the DI API

699374 Update of "Work Order" Status via DI API causes error "-5002"

699712 Journal Entry displayed as unbalanced (DI API Vs. SBO)

700905 SDK_Crash occurs when adding a document based on another

701766 SDK_Cannot create User Tables containing an underscore '_'

701998 Inability to chose serial numbers while adding work order

702705 SDK_Draft documents cannot be added

707143 SDK_Lower case code in BPAddresses.state is not displayed

707146 SDK_It is not possible to update draft documents

707147 It is not possible to add draft documents with additional expenses

707150 SDK_Cannot create Link Arrow icons in user form matrixes

708708 SDK_Cannot create a Goods Receipt document

709419 SDK_Cannot update Date type user-defined field via XML

635342 problems connection via UI API; returns no running client

647059 Error when re-creating menus after language/company change

652377 W2k-Loads xml form without the data bind defined for cols

652574 Cannot change Menu Item string after language/company change

653022 New development license string for SBO SDK UI API

655552 User-Created Forms Appear Bigger than the Original Settings

661657 APIs: unknown object (add reference to VB project)

663967 While loading form (from xml file) EditText Backcolor black

673031 While upgrading from 6.01 to 6.20 the old UI isn't supported

687585 Adding a column to matrix in document via UI API

687590 Add-on registration dll fix

692352 Error message -1001 while using "GetLineData" in UI API

693625 Which images can be loaded to PictureBox object?

693664 Working with Matrix - FAQ

693871 Register Add-on requires msxml ver 3 installed on client

694024 How to update changes that were made in matrix to sql server

695044 Forms created in the screen painter cant be load

700670 Tip for better performance - feeling matrix with DataSoruce

700990 Size and shifting of items when a form is resized

704595 Performance tips for updating UserDataSource bound to matrix Get/SetLineData

708177 While Running Add-ons you cannot create a User Defined Field

711003 User MenuItems behaviour in company and language change

694283 New fields and object added to the DB - Polish Fields

692273 SAPbobsCOM65.dll is not upgraded from 6.50.52 patch 0 to 1

711086 GetLinaData, SetLineData limitations

711087 Mouse Clock and Modal form Feature for version 6.7

711088 Different FormType number for different localization

711090 pVal.ItemChanged doesn't always work properly

711460 Form Client Area - Width and Height 6.5 SP1

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Former Member
0 Kudos

If you want to read the notes - please access the market place.

0 Kudos

Hi Miki,

when i try to read the Note 709419 this error appears:

System error

User not authorized to access requested Info Object !

