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In which table can we check the old credit limit and updated new credit limit in sap sd

0 Kudos

Hi All,

Can someone suggest in ECC how to check the old credit limit along with new credit limit in SAP SD for a customer master at table level.

For example

For a customer A - 1000 is the limit set on 16.06.2022

for customer A - 2000 limit has been increased on 17.06.2022

now that I wanted to check both old and new limit for customer A. How can I see them in table level.

Agree there is option in change log at customer master level to view the data. But my concern is to check at the table level. Since they are in structure case I am not able to see any table to track them.

FYR--- KNKK - KLIMK the current limit is only visible.

Is there a specify table from where we can fetch both old and new limit for a customer.

Thanks in advance!!


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0 Kudos

Hello Ashok,

You can find the changes of credit limit values in the CDHDR table which also shows the defined date of credit limits. To compare old and new credit limit, you should also join with CDPOS table considering with the proper key fields.

Have a nice day.

0 Kudos

This was very useful buddy thanks for your support.