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In intra company stock transport, billing.

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Inintra company stock transport, billing may only be necessary if you want to capture transportation cost, for example, if a third party transport service provider transports the goods and the company needs to pay for it, then you need a billing document to capture the freight cost. How can we achieve this?

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For Intra Company Stock Transfer , you need to perform below steps First need , Configuration of STO PO as below -

1.Configure of Shipping data for Receiving Plant

- SPRO> Materials Management> Purchasing> Purchase Order> Set up Stock Transport Order> Define Shipping Data for Plants - Need to make Customer code of Receiving plant.

2. Configure Delivery Type & Availability Check Procedure by Plant

- SPRO> Materials Management> Purchasing> Purchase Order> Set up Stock Transport Order> Configure Delivery Type & Availability Check Procedure by Plant

3. Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance

- SPRO> Materials Management> Purchasing> Purchase Order> Set up Stock Transport Order> Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance

4. Generate STO PO ( For Intrastate or Interstate)

5. Generate Shipment No .

6. Generate Shipment Cost.

7. If Transporter wise and material wise , cost is predecided then maintain TK11.

8. IF TK11 has maintained then shipment cost will be generated from TK11 pricing.

9. After Shipment Cost has generated then PGI has to be done , so Liability will be created for that transporter.

10. Now just book freight Cost in MIR7 .