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In-house repair process with changed material number

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How can we setup SAP for a inhouse repair where the material number changes after repair?

The customer would return Material A -> During the repair process Material A has been modified to Material B --> and material B is shipped back to the customer.

Note: The serial number can also be changed.

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Hello Binu,

  • In Repair process there will not be change of material code. There will be change of Material code valuation type. This process is called Refurbishment. See this too: Refurbishment.
  • Your requirement resembles very usual Production Order (PP) scenario where a Raw material (say a metal blank) having some material code enters the Order (GI) and a Finished material (say a shaft) and some scrap comes out (GR) of the Order with their own material codes. In such case a BOM needs to be created first on the Finished material which has Raw material/s and Scrap material/s as its components and Routing to be configured.
  • For further details on Production Order process it will be beneficial if you interact with PP space by posting your query there AND go through related posts such as Production Orders.



Former Member
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Hi Jogeswara,

Thanks for replying.

This is not a production process and this not a raw material. This is equipment back from the customer and a service is being provided to upgrade or retrofit the equipment to a later model with a reduced cost.

A typical aftermarket service being provided.



Active Contributor
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OK, Then you need to explore within the provisions given by PM/CS.

Good luck


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Hi Binu;

As per description it seems the Refurbishment process where in part material will have different valuation types.

Say material coming for repair have X value originally but as it is damaged so value became B. After repair it will become C.

So this all is covered in refurbishment process with split valuation. Refer that process and let me know if you any more question.


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Hi Binu ,

I am assuming your process is something like this .

We get the Orders from customer and due to some component changes (decided after tear down) we send them back a different Part No (Different Part No)   ,Though  Ultimately it is the same part which can fit into that configuration .

To achieve this process ( which we may name modification) we need few basic designs in place.


Mat in Recieved : ENGINE MODEL 1

Mat out being sent : ENGINE MODEL 2

a) We should have a way to identify what part came in for Repair and which one goes out, Service order configuration(characteristics MAT in and Mat out ) seems to be ideal fields to store this information as this can be done through Master Data maintenance and no development will be needed.

b)  Material to Material posting is required as we are consuming the Material in and making Material Out from same parts after tear down is complete. So we need to transform mat in to mat out and that appears the only way to consume what came and produce what goes. After this step ENGINE MODEL 1 becomes ENGINE MODEL 2.

c) Now our outbound delivery back to customer  should contain Mat out and this is possible if that Material itself undergoes transformation or we do some kind of enhancement to populate Mat out in Outbound delivery

If you do not expect it be a regular business and it is a once in a while scenario you can change the part on equipment after the Repair process is complete send it back to customer. Not sure if it will cause any issue.

To achieve these three things we need to have a design and development in Place if you are expecting this to be a regular business.Try these three steps and see if it works in your system .
