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I have sap All access but getting access issue in Manage change record app

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It needs the basic configuration in the background for PLM process

SIMG - Logistics - General > Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) > Change Records > Basic Settings > Defining Number Ranges

SIMG - Logistics - General > Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) > Change Records > Basic Settings > Defining Object Types

SIMG - Logistics - General - Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) - Change Records - Settings for Change Records - Define Item Relevance

SIMG - Logistics - General - Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) - Change Records - User Statuses - Define User Statuses

In same Path define the below - Defining User Status Profiles

SIMG - Logistics - General - Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) - Change Records - Settings for Change Records - Define Status Checks and Actions

SIMG - Logistics - General - Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) - Change Records - Settings for Change Records - Define Item Relevance

SIMG - Logistics - General - Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) - Change Records - Settings for Change Records - Define Change Record Types


Once after maintaining it we will get a change record type over there.



Once after maintaining the data we can get create the change record