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HR perk Calculation ( INHRA )

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Hello Gurus,

I am facing a problem during INHRA function while running Payroll using Indian Schema.

the infotypes 0581 is updated as company leased and rent has been put as Rs.5000, The same is updated in Basic pay through dynamic actions, in a cutomized wage type amount as Rs.5,000.

Now while processing in this scenario the perk value should have got calculated, but it's not calculating.

In the log i checked, in the INHRA funtion , th input goes as IT table & HRA Table,

but in the processing it is just showing Housing details , its seems no calculation is happening in the Processing step.

So in the Output table no housing perk ( /3rb wage type) is not getting generated..

Anyonne can help me out of this

Thanks & Regards


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Former Member
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Problem REsolved.

Thanks everyone for help

Former Member
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Dear Srijit,

Kindly looking to this post and do needful.

Thanks & Regards,


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How did the issue got resolved . Can you please help ?