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How to pull data of which Chart of Depreciation/Country that uses the Particular Account determination (AO90)

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Hello Friends - Can you pls give me a little on how to pull below information.

We have F&F Account determination (AO90) and is used by many countries. Now, I need to have all the details of which Chart of Depreciation/Country use this Account determination.

From which table, we can pull this data.


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1. Go to SE16 - Table ANKA..

Enter your Account Det No and execute.. It will give you a list of Asset Classes to which this Account Det is assigned

2. Now go to SE16 - ANLA

Enter the above Asset classes and execute and you can get the Company codes in which assets are created under these asset classes

In the output, just apply a filter on the Company code Column and you can see what all company codes have used them so far

3. Find the Chart of Dep assigned to these Co Codes from OAB1 of SE16 - Table T093C

Br. Ajay M

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One more input, I could not add earlier as my SAP connection ditched me

1. Step 1 same as above

2. Use ANKB Table and input the asset classes here.. It will return the Chart of Dep

I consider this approach as a better one because it highlights those cases also wherein an Asset Class is assigned to a CoD, but no company code has used it so far to create any asset master

The earlier approach will return those cases where an asset class is being used by a Company code

Br. Ajay M