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how to do coding for Procurement Confirmation wizard using in B1 addon

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I want create the procurement documents from multiple ORDR using backend coding instead using Procurement Confirmation Wizard in B1 screen

i got a sales order (ORDR) .  When i check the Procurement Document under Logistics , the Procurement Confirmation wizard screen pop up.

got BP code already , click next , choose sales order , click next again , choose the target document which is PO , click next again ... DONE.

The PO were created where the base document refer back their respective ORDR.

So, if this can be done by backend -coding, what is BoObjectTypes object for Procurement Confirmation Wizard  and how the codes look like?

E.g . Sales order is SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders.

Any idea;s guys ???


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Hi Elson,

Someone may be able to correct me on this, but as I remember in current versions it is not (yet) possible to draw Purchase Orders from Sales Orders.

The procurement wizard is not an object in the DI API. But to a degree, you can mimic what the procurement wizard does.

That means that you will first have to create an interface that allows the user to choose one or more Sales Orders.

Then you must decide how you want the logic to work: Do you want to just add all items (and quantities) to a single Purchase Order to a single supplier, or do you want to divide all items into Purchase Orders by their respective default suppliers, or do you want to make that a choice or a setting ?

Then you will have to write code that creates one or more Purchase Orders based on these choices.

Linking the purchase Order rows to Sales Orders may be more difficult. One possible workaround you could use, is a user field on the row level to record the source / target document number.



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At least not in 8.82 pl9 it is still not possible.

