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GRN Info

Former Member
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Hi Everyone,


              when the material was delivered, how many times it was delivered accurately & how many times wrong material or

damaged or unpackaged material was delivered.

Please let me know from which tables i can get these details.



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As you are asking for tables (which is a beginner question as you can get this info from F1 > technical field help when looking at the data from your normal transaction screens, please read my blog )  it can be assumed that you already follow a particular process to introduce such information about quality in SAP.

Since there are many different approaches, you can see it already on the variety of the replies (which did somehow not address that you only asked for a table)  you better tell the process that you use if you really need the table names told from us after reading above mentioned blog.

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Your material delivered with which movement type?

And how you identify wrong material movements or damaged or unpackaged material  movements?

If you know movement types details can get your delivered report with following




Biju K

0 Kudos

Dear friend,

If you don't give information about situtation of your materials to SAP, system can not know anything about their status whether they are damaged or not. Therefore, you should give information about them.

If you want to follow your materials, you can use quality stocks or smth.

or, if you want to follow your material in manual way, you can create a new storage locations such as wrong material SL or damaged SL or unpackaged material SL. For example, when you recieved damaged material, you can make the Goods Receipt by using "damaged material Storage Location"



Former Member
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Hi Bhuvaneswari, Please check table EKBE you will get all GRN details As per your requirements . Regards Manju

Former Member
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Please follow route as 103 and 105. first do 103, we material found faulty(physical verification) then cancel the GRN with 103. if every thing is OK do 105 movement against material movement 103.

With Regards,

Sulabh Agrawal

Active Contributor
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Hi Bhuvaneswari,

You can't see in SAP when a wrong material was delivered. SAP assumes it was the right material if you accepted it. 🙂

To signal that the vendor delivered something wrong or unpacked, etc. you need to raise a quality notif.

