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GR notification to PO Creator

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I had a question regarding GR notifications.

One of our requirements is to send a notification to the PO creator (buyer) when a GR is done on one of their PO's. I tried the following:

1. MN21 - maintained output condition records for output type MLGR.

Partner function = MP;

Message transmission = 7 (Simple mail);

Despatch time = 4 (Start immediately when saving the application);

Language key = EN (English).

2. M706 - Output type MLGR

maintained Access Sequence 0002 (GR Mails);

Access to condition is checked / flagged on and Partner function MP.

3. M708 - procedure selected is ME0001 and requirement is 171.

This only gives us a message that a GR was done, doesnt say which PO, what qty etc.. Please help!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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You should enhance the underlying program linked to message type MLGR and capture the PO details and include it in the e-mail.

Before exploring this check for SAP notes, may be it has already been taken care of..

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Ramesh -

SAP have provided this:

But it isnt very helpful. the program/routine dont work for me - i keep getting an error!

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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1. use variables '&' instead of '$'

2. In transaction M706 for output type MLGR, make sure you have maintained the include by going in the long text, Choose Goto -> Change Editior, and maintain the form here :

"A goods receipt for your purchase order &MSEG-EBELN&

item &MSEG-EBELP& has just been entered.

Material: &MSEG-MATNR& &EKPO-TXZ01&

Quantity delivered: &MSEG-ERFMG&

Vendor: &MSEG-LIFNR&, &AM07M-NAME1&

Posting date: &MKPF-BLDAT&



Then in MN22, delete the earlier condition record and create a new condition record in MN21

Here in the Communication in the MENU select

Goto -> Execution Parameter. You reach the dialog box Change Execution Parameter. Here you maintain the following data for mail processing:

Execution type U Transaction with memory

Execution element MB03

Memory ID MBN

Par name: RM07M-MBLNR Parameter value: MSEG-EBELN


Then create a PO (please remember to click on the GR message in the header), and create a GR against the PO.

In SBWP, you will get the values and not definitions this time for the message created.

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What error you are getting?