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GL accrual engine

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Hi all,

I need to configure accrual engine for my client .

please give the detailed steps and usage of the accrual engine .

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The concept of Accrual is based on the Accounting principle of "Matching of Cost with Revenue". Sometimes some costs are being paid once in a year but the benefit accrues every day or every period (Month). This is a mandatory accounting for US GAAP as well as IAS accounting.



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SAP easy Access -> Accounting -> financial accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Processing -> Manual accuruals -> create accrual objects

Give company code, accrual object (rent or anything) , start of life and end life

Then click on create button on item data tab

Give accurual type, accounting principle, amount, currency and accrual method.

You have to create one for costs and another for revenues

Then click on simulate button application bar and run

Then come to same screen, item data tab... click on one of the accrual object and then click on transfer accural item tab just above the line items

Then click on calculated accruals tab.. there you can see the planned accruals

Then click on posted accruals tab -- tehre you can see the posted accruals.

Then save. The created items is displayed in the navigation tree on the left
