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General modification

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what is the general modification in OBYC ?


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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In standard SAP, only three transactio keys are having Account modifiers. The transaction keys are GBB, PRD, KON.

This acount modifers helps to post to different G/L accounts for the same transaction event keys.

Account modifiers for GBB

AUA: for order settlement

AUF: for goods receipts for orders (without account assignment)

and for order settlement if AUA is not maintained

AUI: Subsequent adjustment of actual price from cost center directly

to material (with account assignment)

BSA: for initial entry of stock balances

INV: for expenditure/income from inventory differences

VAX: for goods issues for sales orders without

account assignment object (the account is not a cost element)

VAY: for goods issues for sales orders with

account assignment object (account is a cost element)

VBO: for consumption from stock of material provided to vendor

VBR: for internal goods issues (for example, for cost center)

VKA: for sales order account assignment

(for example, for individual purchase order)

VKP: for project account assignment (for example, for individual PO)

VNG: for scrapping/destruction

VQP: for sample withdrawals without account assignment

VQY: for sample withdrawals with account assignment

ZOB: for goods receipts without purchase orders (mvt type 501)

ZOF: for goods receipts without production orders

(mvt types 521 and 531)

Account Modifiers for KON

None for consignment liabilities

PIP for pipeline liabilities

Account modifiers for PRD

None for goods and invoice receipts against purchase orders

PRF for goods receipts against production orders and

order settlement

PRA for goods issues and other movements

PRU for transfer postings (price differences in the case

of external amounts)





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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hey what about modifiers WAX WAY in GBB, you have not mentioned anything about them.

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General/Account Modifier

Key that has a different meaning depending on the business transaction and which is used to differentiate account determination.

When making offsetting entries for inventory postings, you enter the the key which is assigned to the transaction type and posting string.

Find the general modifiers in std SAP system and their implication.

AUF: for goods receipts for production orders with account assignment

BSA: for intial entries of stock balances

INV: for expense/revenue from inventory differences

VAX: for goods issues for sales orders without account assignment object

VAY: for goods issues for sales orders with account assignment object

VBO: for consumptiom from stock of material provided to vendor

VBR: for internal goods issues (e.g., for cost center)

VKA: for consumption for sales order without SD

VNG: for scapping/destruction

VQP: for sampling

ZOB: for goods receipts without purchase orders

ZOF: for goods receipts without production orders.

Hope this helps


Gregory Mathews

Former Member
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so, general modification is only related to GBB (Offsetting entry for inventory posting), right ?


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Yes. It is mainly for posting offsetting entries for postings.
