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Functional location

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0 Kudos

Hi all,

We have 4 level of functional location as Level1, level2, level3 and level 4.

ie. level 2 has got 3 functional location as level 2.1, level2.2 , and level2.3.

Now there was a requirement at level 2

I need to mark level2.2 with deletion flag and move all the equipment to level2.1

What will be the implication in SAP if iam going to implement, as per my understanding history of the ealier level2.2 will not be avaialble. Is it right

Kindly advice me with implication if i am going to do as mentioned above


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your history will not be deleted unless you delete all the dependends ones,like notificatio,order,ie

you can dismantle from the plant and reassign the equipment to the higher funtional location and just deactive the same.

you can see the usage history for equipments as history details



Former Member
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hi krishan,

Thanx for the quick reply.

I will be little bit more clear on my requirement.

As i have said ealier we have 4 level of function location

at level 2 we have 3 F.L ie..Level2.1 , Level2.2 and Level 2.3

Level2.1 - has 10 equipment installed

Level2.1.3.1 - ( this is Level 3 functinal Location for level 2.1 ) and have 10 equipment instaled

Level2.1.3.2 - ( this is Level 3 functinal Location for level 2.1 ) and have 10 equipment instaled

Level2.2 - has 20 equipment insatalled

Level2.2.3.1 ( This is level 3 funcation location for level 2.2) and have 20 equipment instaleed..

if i mark the deletion flag at level2 then subF.L cannot be used ( ie Level2.2.3.1), ie.. i need to move all the equipment from level2.2 ( means sublevel F.L equipmetns also need to eb moved)

is it advisable to do like this based on the clients requirement?

If i am not clear, let me know. Will try to explain in a better way.

Kindly advice

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yes if you have marked the deletion flag in the higher level ,then you cannot able to use the sub FL , just follow the logic while creating the FL ie from TOP-DOWN principle ,in reverse manner.

Dismantle all the equipment to the higher level ,then assign the sub FL to the superior FL to which you are going to use. then try to put the deletion flag which is not needed



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Thanx for the valuable reply.

My last question, is it advicable to do like this as per clients requirement?


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As a consulat we have to do what the client says ,before that make sure of inconsitencies has been explained ,the amount of work etc



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The client usually has the final decision.

But you are responsible for informing the client of the pros/cons for a given issue.


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thanx peteA for the reply. If the functional location has been marked for deletion. It is still possible to process all the open order and notification ...?

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yes you can process the open order, only thing is you cannot able to create new one



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