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FS Items and GL Account Mapping Table into SAC

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Hi Experts,

Is there a way to get the FS Items and GL Account Number mapping table into SAC? We have master data import connection into SAC from S/4Hana Group Reporting and mapping table is maintened in S4/Hana Group Reporting, however I cannot find it in the Master Data import connection to SAC. 

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GL Accounts to FS Items mapping is done in SAP GR. You can import the FS Items from GR into SAC dimension using the Odata service API_GRMASTERDATA_SRV. I am not sure if you need the GL Account also, if yes you would need another dimension for that and use the OData service API_GLACCOUNTINCHARTOFACCOUNTS_SRV. The mapping between GL to FS Item will not be available in SAC unless you then create an attribute in GL Account dimension in SAC and map FS Items manually as you uploaded in GR.



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Thanks @N1kh1l  for your response. In our SAC model, we have a separate dimension for FSITEM and GL Account Number. In our story table we have both dimensions (FSITEM & GL Account Number). For booked data, story table looks okay, the moment we click on Unbooked data, it is loading all GL account numbers even though not applicable to the said FS Item. Exploring a way to see if there is a mapping table available for FS items & GL account numbers. Adding FS Item attribute to GL Account dimension and map it manually is not showing the results as expected.

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Sachin, Currently there is no way to expand the SAC table based on attribute relationship between 2 dimension. The current common approach has been to use fact data to create that bind relationship by posting 1 and then using booked option. There is an influence request already for this which mentions that we could get this feature somewhere in 2025 Q3 tentatively.
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Hi Nikhil, can you please provide influence request link as I am unable to find it. Appreciating for your help. Thanks.
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Great! Thanks Nikhil