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Formatted Search: How 2 get the active value

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

I defined a simple FS to learn, but keep getting the same values for different codes.

Shortly, I have 2 tables, first one (


) keeps


,Reason Description, etc.

In the second one (


) I enter other unrelated data and



I wanna get Reason Description from


table into that


table by the help of FS. So I defined something like that:

SELECT T0.U_ReaDesc from .[@REASON] T0 , .[@MAIN] T1 WHERE T0.U_ReasonID = T1.U_ReasonID</b>

When I use this query, I keep getting the same reason description for different reason codes, actually the description of the first data in the REASON table.

Ouery settings : Search By Saved Query - Auto Refresh - When exiting altered column - Column "REASONID "- Refresh regularly

I guess, I have to add or change something in the query, so that I can refer to the <u>activ ReasonID value</u> in the MAIN table and get the descr. for it.

(Sorry if this subject is handled before but I couldn't find anything related in SDN.)

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Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gul,

This query is returning all Reason Descriptions, becouse you are not relatin both tables. I think this is what you need:

SELECT T0.U_ReaDesc from .[@REASON] T0 INNER JOIN .[@MAIN] T1 ON T0.U_ReasonID = T1.U_ReasonID WHERE T0.U_ReasonID =

You would need to change with the value of the ReasonID field IN THE FORM ($[$FieldID.ColID.Format]).


Ibai Peñ

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks a lot Ibai !

I changed the query , but can u also give short info about the use <b>$[$FieldID.ColID.Format]</b> ?

Cos FieldID is kept in <b>CUFD</b> table, ok , but what about ColID and Format ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gul,

Why don´t you download the help files from the SBO marketplace?

You can find a document about the FS under Service & Support SAP Business One Knowledge & Services Knowledge Base Customizing Formatted Searches.

There it explains lot of things about them.

The FieldId is the variable number seen when you are in debug mode. ColID is used only for matrix columns. And you could use 0 for the format is no formating is needed.


Ibai Peñ

Former Member
0 Kudos

Unfortunately I don't have rights to reach that area yet.

But I'll try to use the info u wrote.

Thanks again ,