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Few currency codes unavailable

0 Kudos

The below currency codes which are present in the ISO list, are not available for input in the system.

ISO CodeLong TextShort text
CYPCyprus PoundCyprus Pound
EEKEstonian KroneKrona
LTLLithuanian LitaLita
LVLLatvian LatLat
MTLMaltese LiraLira
SKKSlovakian KronaKrona

There are few currencies which have a different currency code in our system from ISO list:

SAP CurrencyISO CodeLong Text
AFNAFAAfghani (Old)
RSDCSDSerbian Dinar
MRUMROMauritanian Ouguiya
RONROLRomanian Leu
SLESLLSierra Leone Leone
STNSTDSao Tome / Principe Dobra
TMTTMMTurkmenistani Manat
TRYTRLTurkish Lira (Old)
VEFVEBVenezuelan Bolivar



#SAPS4HANAPublicCloud #2408

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As per the following Help Portal Documentation,

Currencies | SAP Help Portal

Please note that the SAP delivery contains all currencies, for example, EUR and USD. The currencies are set up according to the ISO standards and you cannot change them. You cannot create own currencies.

And according to following FAQ note 3492731, 

Configuration of currency codes

Currency codes e.g. EUR, USD are provided as SAP-delivered content. There is no SSCUI available for the maintenance of currency codes.

If the currency codes pre-delivered by SAP are not as your expectation, please raise an incident to the product support team to check the issue further.

Kind Regards.