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Extracting new infotypes in SP3

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I am currently implementing Nakisa Org Chart SP3 using SAP_Live_RFC. I have a requirement to add the grade of a position from IT1005 and the funding status from IT1516. Am I right in saying the function mdules will have to be amended in SAP?



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As of 3.0 SP3 the new function modules provided and used in Live_RFC build have enhancement points in them so you can add any fields they would like to add. Obviously this requires some ABAP knowledge and understanding of how to use enhancement points.

For position details panel see RFC "/NAKISA/OC_POSITION_DETAIL"

For new data fields, you should create your own structure and append to the main structure (/NAKISA/NAK_POS_DETAIL) returned.  Then use the enhancement points to code the logic to populate the structure.


  • You can Write / Add code in particular place where the Enhancement-Point is given in the RFC.
  • You can also use Implicit enhancements wherever available.
  • You can not delete / Remove Default fields from output table of  RFC.
  • The structure which you are going to modify, that structure’s Enhancement catergory must be set to “Can Be Enhanced” then only you can apped new structure into structure.


Former Member
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Many thanks for this Stephen, will have a look with a developer.

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We are looking to do exactly the same enhancement: display of IT1005 data from positions.

With OrgChart VSN 4.3 do we still have to add ABAP code to the RFC to get this extra data or is it now possible all from the Admin console with this latest version?
