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Every time PRD key triggered instead of BSX during MIGO 101 movement

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Hello Experts,

I experienced that when I tried to do the MIGO (101 Movement) that time system fetched the PRD key only instead of BSX key. The system is generated below Journal entry only every time: - 

Price Difference Account - - - - - - - Debit                      PRD

To GR/IR Clearing Account - - - - - - Credit                    WRX

The entry SHOULD be: - 

Raw Material Inventory Account - - - - -Debit                BSX

To GR/IR Clearing Account - - - - - - - - -Credit               WRX

So, could you please guide me where I missed something with respect to configuration?

Thanks in advance for your prompt assistance.

Please Guide.



Material Master - Accounting 1 view


Purchase Order




Migo Document


Here we can able to see that instead of Raw Material Inventory system fetched the Price Difference account which is assigned for PRD key.




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Based on Screenshots -your material price Control is "S"-- which means BSX key will hit based on the standard price --not the PO Price -- That is why for your GR-101-- you are hitting PRD account. 

if you want the system to hit BSX as per the PO price the Price Control should be "V" -However if you keep on using "S"--means you need to put $ value in the Accounting View--(As material has already created --you can not use MM02 but use MR21 to update the price)--

For Price Control V -- BSX and WRX will hit 

For Price Control S -- if Price is 0 -(in your case)-- PRD and WRX will hit 

if Price is say $10 - and PO Price is $11-- PRD for $1, BSX- $10 and WRX-10 will hit as per material valuation.

Read more about material price control S vs V my friend.

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Thank you very much Jagdeep Singh Ji for your valuable comments. Here i would like to brief that i would like to go with Actul costing activation where i need the price control indicator S only. Regarding this i have one small queri... (1) If i want to go with price indicator S in raw material then every time i need to update standard price in material master through MR21 before creation of PO ?? ??
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Thank you very much Jagdeep Singh Ji for your valuable comments. Here i would like to brief that i would like to go with Actul costing activation where i need the price control indicator S only. Regarding this i have one small queri... (1) If i want to go with price indicator S in raw material then every time i need to update standard price in material master through MR21 before creation of PO ?? ??