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error while FB50 after upgradtion to EHP5.

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Dear Guru's,

I am getting error " Constant Z1 for Ledger !* does not contain any value Message no. GLT2301" while tring to post data through FB50. i found note 1039934 but this is supporting upto release 603 only we are currently on release this note is also not helping me.

We have maintained Constant as Z1for non assigned accounts.

can you suggest what exactly is problem or any other valid SAP Note.

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Answers (2)

Former Member
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That note might be a pilot note, so you need to go to OSS and ask to release to your system.

Former Member
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we have raised issue to SAP..but just one thought, why system showing ledger as ' !* ' Is it like system is not getting ledger to which this constant assigned or I am missing this config.

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In order to solve the current problem you woul need to implement and to run the correction report from the note 1279331.

Please do this in a test system first.

The inconsistencie is most probabelly is caused by a customizing change as described in the note 1523872.

Therefore you would need to make sure that the note 1523872 is implemented correctly in your system in order

to avoid similar problems in the future if further customizing changes are needed. Please implement note 1523872 and also the manual steps.

Best Regards,


Former Member
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thanks vanessa for quick resopnse ..

But when i am tring to down load Note 1279331, i am getting " The requested SAP Note is either in reworking or is released internally only "..

Also i tried to Do configuration accordning to note 1523872 but it is already there.

can you check it once again.

Former Member
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we have raised issue to SAP..but just one thought, why system showing ledger as ' !* ' Is it like system is not getting ledger to which this constant assigned or I am missing this config.