on 2021 Jul 29 10:55 AM
we are trying to create the service order with multiple operations and services but are not able to figure out the mapping. we have checked the BAPI documentation also, but still no luck.
The error I am getting is "Incorrect parameter mapping for operation &1 and service object &2".
Could anyone please help me with this regard, I have read all the blogs and answers available but no luck.
Please find the code I have written:
lv_werks = '5000'.
ls_methods-refnumber = '1'.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'HEADER'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = '%00000000001'.
APPEND ls_methods TO lt_methods.
ls_header-order_type = p_auart.
ls_header-planplant = p_iwerk.
ls_header-plant = lv_werks.
ls_header-mn_wk_ctr = p_wk_ctr.
ls_header-start_date = sy-datum.
ls_header-start_date = sy-datum.
ls_header-funct_loc = '29'.
ls_header-equipment = p_equnr.
ls_header-funct_loc = p_tplnr.
ls_header-short_text = p_ktext.
ls_header-short_text = 'Angebot gemäß Abstimmung'.
INSERT ls_header INTO TABLE lt_header.
p_act = '0010'. p_act2 = '0020'.
lv_objectkey = |%00000000001| & |{ p_act }|.
CLEAR ls_methods.
ls_methods-refnumber = '1'.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'OPERATION'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = lv_objectkey.
APPEND ls_methods TO lt_methods.
ls_operation-activity = p_act.
ls_operation-work_cntr = p_wk_ctr.
ls_operation-control_key = p_cntrl.
ls_operation-plant = p_werks.
ls_operation-description = p_desc.
ls_operation-acttype = p_actty.
ls_operation-matl_group = 'SANITÄR'.
ls_operation-mrp_relevant = '1'.
ls_operation-base_uom = 'LE'.
ls_operation-currency = 'EUR'.
ls_operation-calc_key = '1'.
ls_operation-execfactor = '1'.
APPEND ls_operation TO lt_operation.
* CLEAR :ls_operation,ls_methods.
IF p_vorg = abap_true.
lv_objectkey = |%00000000001| & |{ p_act2 }|.
CLEAR ls_methods.
ls_methods-refnumber = '2'.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'OPERATION'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = lv_objectkey.
APPEND ls_methods TO lt_methods.
CLEAR: ls_operation.
ls_operation-activity = p_act2.
ls_operation-work_cntr = p_wk_ctr.
ls_operation-control_key = p_cntrl2.
ls_operation-plant = p_werks.
ls_operation-description = p_desc2.
ls_operation-acttype = p_actty2 .
ls_operation-matl_group = 'SANITÄR'.
ls_operation-mrp_relevant = '1'.
ls_operation-base_uom = 'LE'.
ls_operation-currency = 'EUR'.
ls_operation-calc_key = '1'.
ls_operation-execfactor = '1'.
APPEND ls_operation TO lt_operation.
CLEAR ls_methods.
lv_objectkey = '%000000000010010'.
ls_methods-refnumber = 1.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'SERVICELINE'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = lv_objectkey.
APPEND ls_methods TO lt_methods.
CLEAR :lt_srv_detail.
SELECT esll~sub_packno FROM ekpo
INNER JOIN ekko ON ekko~ebeln = ekpo~ebeln
INNER JOIN esll ON esll~packno = ekpo~packno
INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_sub_packno) WHERE
ekko~ebeln = @p_lifr AND ekko~bsart = 'WK'.
SELECT srvpos
FROM esll INTO TABLE lt_srv_detail
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_sub_packno
WHERE packno = lt_sub_packno-sub_packno AND uebtk = space.
READ TABLE lt_srv_detail INTO ls_srv_detail WITH KEY srvpos = p_srv.
APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_servicelines ASSIGNING <ls_serviceline>.
<ls_serviceline>-srv_line = '0000000010'.
<ls_serviceline>-outline = '0000000001'.
<ls_serviceline>-activity = '0010'.
* <ls_serviceline>-service = p_srv.
<ls_serviceline>-short_text = p_ktext. "'Angebot gemäß Abstimmung'.
<ls_serviceline>-quantity = ls_srv_detail-menge. "'1'.
<ls_serviceline>-uom = ls_srv_detail-meins."'LE'. 'LE'.
<ls_serviceline>-gross_price = ls_srv_detail-brtwr. "'1'.
<ls_serviceline>-currency = lv_waers.
CLEAR ls_methods.
ls_methods-refnumber = 1.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'SERVICEOUTLINE'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = lv_objectkey ."'%000000000010010'.
APPEND ls_methods TO lt_methods.
APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_serviceoutline ASSIGNING <ls_serviceoutline>.
<ls_serviceoutline>-activity = '0010'.
<ls_serviceoutline>-outline = <ls_serviceline>-outline." |000000000| & |{ sy-index }|.
<ls_serviceoutline>-parent_outline = '0000000000'.
<ls_serviceoutline>-from_line = '1'.
<ls_serviceoutline>-short_text = p_ktext.
CLEAR ls_methods.
lv_objectkey = '%000000000010020'.
ls_methods-refnumber = 1.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'SERVICELINE'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = lv_objectkey.
APPEND ls_methods TO lt_methods.
READ TABLE lt_srv_detail INTO ls_srv_detail WITH KEY srvpos = p_srv.
APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_servicelines ASSIGNING <ls_serviceline>.
<ls_serviceline>-srv_line = '0000000010'.
<ls_serviceline>-outline = '0000000001'.
<ls_serviceline>-activity = '0020'.
* <ls_serviceline>-service = p_srv.
<ls_serviceline>-short_text = p_ktext. "'Angebot gemäß Abstimmung'.
<ls_serviceline>-quantity = ls_srv_detail-menge. "'1'.
<ls_serviceline>-uom = ls_srv_detail-meins."'LE'. 'LE'.
<ls_serviceline>-gross_price = ls_srv_detail-brtwr. "'1'.
<ls_serviceline>-currency = lv_waers.
CLEAR ls_methods.
ls_methods-refnumber = 1.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'SERVICEOUTLINE'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = lv_objectkey ."'%000000000010010'.
APPEND ls_methods TO lt_methods.
APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_serviceoutline ASSIGNING <ls_serviceoutline>.
<ls_serviceoutline>-activity = '0020'.
<ls_serviceoutline>-outline = <ls_serviceline>-outline." |000000000| & |{ sy-index }|.
<ls_serviceoutline>-parent_outline = '0000000000'.
<ls_serviceoutline>-from_line = '1'.
<ls_serviceoutline>-short_text = p_ktext.
CLEAR ls_methods.
ls_methods-refnumber = '1'.
ls_methods-method = 'SAVE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = '%00000000001'.
APPEND ls_methods TO lt_methods.
it_methods = lt_methods
it_header = lt_header
it_operation = lt_operation
return = lt_return
et_numbers = lt_number
it_serviceoutline = lt_serviceoutline
it_servicelines = lt_servicelines.
IF line_exists( lt_return[ type = 'E' ] ).
This works in my test system, so take this as a basis and extend it to add your services.
*& Report ZPJA006
*& Author: Pete Atkin
*& Test program to create order with multiple operations via function
report zpm0006.
data: lt_methods type table of bapi_alm_order_method,
ls_methods type bapi_alm_order_method,
lt_header type table of bapi_alm_order_headers_i,
ls_header type bapi_alm_order_headers_i,
lt_operation type table of bapi_alm_order_operation,
ls_operation type bapi_alm_order_operation,
lt_return type table of bapiret2,
lv_objkey type objidext.
*& Header Data
ls_methods-refnumber = 1.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'HEADER'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = '%00000000001'.
append ls_methods to lt_methods.
ls_header-order_type = 'PM01'.
ls_header-planplant = '1000'.
ls_header-start_date = sy-datum.
ls_header-start_date = sy-datum.
ls_header-equipment = '10000000'.
ls_header-short_text = 'Test Order via BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN'.
insert ls_header into table lt_header.
*& Operation Data
concatenate '%00000000001' '0010' into lv_objkey.
clear ls_methods.
ls_methods-refnumber = 1.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'OPERATION'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = lv_objkey.
append ls_methods to lt_methods.
ls_operation-activity = '0010'.
ls_operation-control_key = 'PM01'.
ls_operation-description = 'OP10'.
ls_operation-work_activity = 1.
append ls_operation to lt_operation.
concatenate '%00000000001' '0020' into lv_objkey.
clear ls_methods.
ls_methods-refnumber = 2.
ls_methods-objecttype = 'OPERATION'.
ls_methods-method = 'CREATE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = lv_objkey.
append ls_methods to lt_methods.
ls_operation-activity = '0020'.
ls_operation-control_key = 'PM01'.
ls_operation-description = 'OP20'.
ls_operation-work_activity = 2.
append ls_operation to lt_operation.
*& Save Data
clear ls_methods.
ls_methods-refnumber = '1'.
ls_methods-method = 'SAVE'.
ls_methods-objectkey = '%00000000001'.
append ls_methods to lt_methods.
it_methods = lt_methods
it_header = lt_header
it_operation = lt_operation
return = lt_return.
if line_exists( lt_return[ type = 'E' ] ).
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