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EHS WWI coding



i create these WWI logic but something isn't correct:

Only if BIF000 and BIF001 are valid, phrase and BUQ should be present...

<100DYNTXT(4,7)><11BRG088(D;*)><15BIF000(OR:02Z_LGL_MANU(;1) NE "Externer rechtli. Hersteller")><15BIF001(OR:02Z_PROD_TYP(;1) LK "010",02Z_PROD_TYP(;1) LK "020")><03LABEL_TEXT(EHSXP-000000000002221)[D:Qty]> <02GCG_BUQ[D:Basismenge]><02GCG_BUQ(M:ZEHS_SET_GCG_BUQ)[D:Basismenge]> <11BRG001(G,T:REGION,L:EN;*)><02Z_BME[D:Basismengeneinheit (BME)]><11ERG001><13BNG000(*:02EHS_MATNR(M:ZEHS_GET_AME_UMRECHNUNG_ST))> (<02EHS_MATNR(M:ZEHS_GET_AME_UMRECHNUNG_ST)[D:Materialnummer]>)<13ENG000><15EIF001><15EIF000><11ERG088>


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0 Kudos

Hello Marc,

thx as always.

a) my fault, it is gml label not wwi report

b) how doesit works with the "debugging"?

c) as seperated, the first if and the second if  / BUQ works fine but in combination something unusual

d) see attached: 3 errors go to 2 red framed conditions


Active Contributor

Hi Holger,

GLM or SDS - still WWI and shouldn't matter - at least in theory...

The "debugging" trick is to just put plain text - i.e. "First IF Statement is True" into your WWI template - and/or by displaying values of symbols that you check for. This can help you understand why something is happening - or not happening.

If you already have a syntax error in the template you need to fix that first.

In your case try re-naming the Symbol numbers - ie 001 -> 879 (For the Begin and End Symbols.)
I think you would have to but the Region/Language repeating group as the most outer one...

Hope that helps




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Holger,

in linne 4 you open a BIF with number 001 which is still open when you open, in line 8, a BRG also with number 001. That doesn't work, numbering needs to be unique. The same is true for BIF000 (line 3) and BNG000 (line 11).

The second error is because you started a G-repeating group within a discrete repeating group (BRG001 within BRG088). I don't think that is allowed.


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Hi Marc, "In your case try re-naming the Symbol numbers - ie 001 -> 879 " -> these is solving two of the errors but region/language seems not supported on that position