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E-Recruiting- Qualification catalogue

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If I maintain a Qualification catalogue in e-Rec system the number range of the catalogue will be different from the Payroll/hr system. When I transfer (hire) the external candidate data (along with qualifications) to the Payroll system will the payroll system show any errors due to inconsistency in number range.

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this is correct the HR system will not show any error. The reason is that the transfer of candidates on hiring does not support transfering the qualification data in standard you will have to maintain the information again.

Sad but true.



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Thank you for your inputs Roman

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Hi Roman,

In the course E-recruitment we have followed at SAP Brussels a few weeks ago , the working of the qualification catalog and specially the integration with HR wasn't very clear.

So with your experience and knowlegde probably you can help us again

In this question you have already spoken of transferring the data from E-recruit -> HR .

So for me this says that there are 2 qualifications catalog one in HR and one in E-recruitment.

In the course the discussion was if there is only 1 catalog or 2 catalogs. After the course this issue isn't solved already.

In the course we have opened (via IMG) the catalog in E-recruit and in HR and the keys were the same !

In E-recruit you have the possibility to create a preview to select those qualifications you want to use in E-recruitment.

So for us there are still 2 scenarios:

Scenario1: there is only 1 catalog in HR and E-recruitment uses this catalog.

In this case I don't understand your answer of transferring data.

Scenario2: There are 2 qualification catalogs, one in HR and one in E-recruitment.

The catalog in E-recruitment is a copy (transfer) of the catalog defined in HR. So the catalog in HR stays the master. Every change has to be made in HR and afterwards transfered (manually ? or via ALE ? ) to E-recruitment.

But how does it works because you can not define a key your self, that is done by SAP in sequence of sequential number ?

Or are both catalog are totally independent ?

Kind Regards

Pascale Thys


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Hello Pascale,

in general there is only 1 qualification catalogue within a sap system - perhaps I did not make this really clear (we exclude the fact that the PA module knows a new and an old form of qualification maintanence - other topic :o)).

As you found out by yourself the trouble are the different systems. In an integrated system there is an option that you integrate PA and e-recruiting qualifications. If you activate this option, the system moves the qualifications of the employee to his internal candidate and the qualification of a candidate can be moved to the employee record on hiring (at least the system should do this, I've never seen this running in production, only had to do with it in a rampup project for e-recruiting 600 but never in an live system). By using the "e-recriuiting view on qualification catalogue" you can restrict the qualifications which are available for e-recruiting and exclude the qualifications which are only internally used as they are not relevant for hiring. Furthermore you can handle the restriction that e-recruiting can only handle non stacked qualification groups.

When it comes to a standalone installation the world looks a bit different. You have still one "application" for qualification catalogue but you have 2 completely independent systems. So you have 2 independent catalogues as number assignment is internal as you already said.

There is no standard function or scenario to integrate the hr core and the e-recruiting system for qualifications. The described distribution scenarios for ALE only cover objects O, C, S and P and there is no function in the data transfer from e-recruiting to the hr core on hiring which would transfer the qualifications of a candidate to his employee record.

As the standard does not offer an integration, for the standard implementation you just take your hr core qualification catalogue and create the qualifications you need for hiring in e-recruiting. Adapt perhaps a bit to special hiring needs. When you hire a person you run the hiring action via t-code PA48 and when you come to qualification maintenance you just have a look into the e-recruiting system and create the according qualifications. As you do it manually it does not matter if the qualification has another ID.

If you really need an integration and automation for the qualification transfer you will have to develop a customer solution. You could surely start with implementiing an own distribution scenario for your qualification catalogue from hr core to e-recruiting. This can be done via ALE or as the catalogue is not changing every day it should be possible to transport / copy it.

When you have the qualifications in e-recruiting you can define the e-recruiting view to the catalog to restrict qualifications.

Last but not least you would have to enhance the data trasfere to hr core on hiring. Spontaneously I am not sure how to solve this but it is probably possible.

Best Regards

Roman Weise

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Thank you for the very clear answer again !

Now It is clear to me .

Kind regards


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Hello Pascale,

sorry have to correct myself a bit. Seems SAP has enhanced the standard ALE inbound processing by a handling of qualification with note 1049047, i came across while looking for sth. else today. It covers transfering employee qualification (requires the newer qualification maintenance via relation) to the internal candidate and even a transfer of qualification from position / job to the requisition. But as said before this would require bringing your qualification catalogue from the hr core to the e-recruiting server.

It's very strange that this was done with a note as it is no bug fix but complete new functionality. I never saw a documentation on that.

Best Regards

Roman Weise

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HI Roman,

Thanks for the information. I will certainly add this note to my documentation.

Because of the different keys I believe that this only can work for an integrated system.

For me it is something to check once the installation is done. For me , SAP still isn't clear concerning the working of the qualification catalog.

I give you the info I already found

1) In the Integration of SAP E-Recruiting 600 / mySAP ERP 2005

Initial Step After Installation

In this information SAP describes the report HRALXSYNC report (Object Synchronization and Repair) used to create a Business Partner (BP) and a Candidate (NA) for each Personnel Number (P).

Here SAP has mentionned the following info

If qualifications were assigned via infotype 1001 to the Personnel Number (P) (for example, through data entered via ESS scenarios or using the transaction PPPM), these qualifications are saved in infotype 5105 for the Candidate (NA).

Hiring Without Referring to Candidates (PA40)

if qualifications were assigned via the infotype 1001 to the Personnel Number (P) (for example, through data entered via ESS scenarios or using the transaction PPPM), these qualifications are saved in infotype 5105 for the Candidate (NA) (according to the setting of the RECFA HRQUA switch in table T77SO).

Infotype Changes to an Active Personnel Number (PA30)

The system uses the sample implementation HRRCF00_STORE_HRQUAL of the BAdI HRBAS00INFTY to make changes to PD infotypes (Qualifications). To do so, the system processes the records of the Qualification object type (Q) that are assigned to the personnel number via the relationship B032. If a Candidate (NA) exists, the system synchronizes the infotype 5105 for the candidate with the qualifications (according to the setting of the RECFA HRQUA switch in table T77SO).

2) In the course we have followed a few weeks ago at SAP (course is written for version 3.00)

The entire qualification catalog for HR system can be transferred to E-recruiting using ALE.

You can customize to restrict the view of the qualification catalog. This view can only be maintained at the qualification group level.

If E-recruiting is operated together with HR on one instance, the same qualification catalog applies for both systems.

A view of the qualification catalog can still be defined in E-recruiting in this case (but restricted to the qualification groups)

Kind regards


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Hi Roman,

I found also another interesting note 677924 that maybe can also interesting for you ! It concerns Distribution of qualifications

Kind regards


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Can you respond to this please

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Hi Radhika,

It should not affect, If you are facing any problem , please let me know.

Thanks and Regards,
