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Does Closed SO without DO appear in Sales Analysis report by Customers?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

I am trying to test if a closed Sales Order without the Delivery Order appears in the Sales Analysis Report by Customers.

I have one SO which is closed manually without a DO and the above mentioned SO appears in the report.

I tested on my notebook which is SAP B1 8.8 PL11and I'd like to know if it appears on 2007B PL15.

Please kindly confirm if you have tested on the above patch of 2007B.




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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Yadana,

If you select Order to analysis, it will include closed sales order by default. Only canceled order will not be included.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gordon,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

So, closed SO will appear in Sales Analysis report by customers regardless of a DO being existed or not.

But I come across one closed SO in Sales Analysis report by customers which does not show any value. It comes out with "0.00" for this customer. There is no DO for this SO and the version is 2007B PL15.

Why is it so? Is it due to some kind of data crash?




Former Member
0 Kudos

Since it is closed without further transaction, 0 value sound logic to me.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gordon,

The closed SO which has no futher target document appears with the figure when I tested on my notebook which is 8.8 PL11.

The one which comes out zero is on 2007B PL15.

That's why I wonder a closed SO without a DO will appear with zero balance in 2007B. Is it just the system behaviour or data crash?




Former Member
0 Kudos

I only have 2007A environment. Can't tell for 2007B. I believe it is system behavior.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I tested on 2007B PL15 and it turned out that the system will display a closed Sales Order without a DO in Sales Analysis Report based on SO by Customers.

And the issue I encountered is resolved now. All I did was that I added the word "Cancelled" in "NumAtCard" field so that I can filter this SO out in query.

Later, I found out the missing value appears in Sales Analysis Report.

Anyway, thanks Gordon.

