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Display error In Personal Information of ESS

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

When we goto Personal Information of the ESS, and then to Family members/dependents- it displays a screen with details of family members added, if mother details are added , the details of Mother are displayed with the following entries.

First Name - " first name"

Last Name- " empty"

Date of Birth - " last name"

message.BizcardField4 - "date"

So if you observe, the entries are arranged wrongly(misplaced) and a new field is displayed.

How do we rectify this error ?

Appreciate your inputs...



(Note: we are on ECC5.0,erp2004,ep6)

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Answers (2)

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Plz chk the note 997806...

1. Select Web Dynpro Components. Here select the component

VcPerPersonalFIReview. Here select ReviewView under Views.

2. In the layout of the ReviewView select Name Prefix label.

3. Select the Name prefix Text View which is in the Outline window.

For this text view in the properties of this text view delete

SelectedInfotype.Vorsw from the text field.

4. The same needs to be done for the fields Title and Name Affix.

5. In the layout of the Review View select Title label. Now select the

Other_title text view in the properties of this text view delete

SelectedInfotype.Titel from the text property.

6. For Name Affix field, Select Name Affix in the layout of the

ReviewView. For the Name affix text view in the Outline window delete

SelectedInfotype.Vors2 text property.

7. Save the changes build and deploy the DC

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

From your description, I am assuming you are using the Webdynpro version.

A few pieces of info that will help hunt this down...

-What version of the Business Package AND the XSS components are you using (the XSS components have had some service packs...that might fix your problem).

-Please check if you are using a country-specific version of the webdynpro or the generic version. (check either the iView params or the backend Homepage Framework config for that resource.

Then, we can look more into this.