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Digital Signature

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can anybody tell me what is the use of Digital Signature ?

in qm view i assigned 000022 Digital signature at usage decision

to QM material auth in General data

while making usage decesion it Requires digital signature user id & password .but allow usage decesion from same user id & password of sap log in .

if i want to change the password without changing my sap log in, password &only one user id .How can I config it .

Thanks in Advance



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Hi folks!

Please have a look at SAP note 700495: It contains the implementation guide (PDF attachment) for the so-called digital signature tool that allows SAP applications to implement the functionality for digital signature creation, logging and tracing.

The BPX community for Manufacturing also contains the same information (download area Core Manufacturing...) - so why don't you also have a look there?

QM and other SAP applications uses an elder version of the digital signature functionality (using function modules like SIGN_SUBSCRIBE etc.). Some of the SAp applications that use this elder way started replacing the function module calls against the class-based signature tool.



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Dear Sanjay,

As I know you cannot have 2 different password, one for log in and one for digital signature.

Usually in SAP you can digital signature works as below

U maintain the digital signature requirement in SPRO

QM>environment>central functions>auth management>define auth group and digital signature

Mat. Auth. Group, Insp. Lot Approval, Digital Signature

maintain mat auth group with digital signature req for UD or/and RR.

in signature method, type 21, you must have assigned R. here you can play to have external signature. Change it to S and you need to sit with basis to have this external system config.

Assign the user with QA11 with auth object QMATAUTH with the value you entered in material master QM view. so that this user is authorized to do the change,

Hence have one more user same to user ID and have the privilege as explained above and go ahead.

I hope it will help

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Dear sanjay,

pl close the thread is the answers solved yr problem, if not revert back with your question

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Digital signature are used to control or restrict the important transaction entries and also to register who is doing the t code and when.(log).

Mainly you can use digital signature in mfg while doing PI sheets entry, result recording, usage decision.

So when you make entry and save the data , system will prompt for user name and password, you can also validate the user name from SAP user name and password or from external system ref.

In your case,

You need to maintain authorisation group and assign in QM view of the material master

I have a document on this.

If you provide your mail id I can send the same.



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Ranganathan Srinivasamurthy