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Different batch in the same pallet

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Hi All,

Currently the mixed storage is not allowed in our configuration. However as per the new requirement we need to allow two batches in the same pallets. Is it possible to change the configuration to allow mixed storage. If we make these changes is there will be any inconsistencies as we already have stocks in the bins.



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Hi Muhammed,

Whether you should mixed the batch or not on the same pallet is based on the business process(in operation term if you are doing the batch picking then it will increase  the overall picking time) One thing is not clear here that what putawat strategy are you using not all the strategy allow to activate the mixing indicator.please refer the below link to get the detail of the strategy.

Scenraio :; Stock is alredy there in the bin

As far as only activating the mixing indicator is concern it will allow to make the change for the storge type, but if you have a requirement to change the putaway strategy  and then activate the mixing indicator then you have to first remove all the stock from the storage type and then only you are allowed to make the change

Hope this help

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Hi Manish,

We are using the put away strategy L (Next empty bin).



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with putaway strategy L next empty bin you will never get 2 batches into the same bin, SAP is always looking for  an empty bin.

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Hi Sakkir,

As highlighted by Jurgen, If the strategy is L- Next empty bin then during putaway system will always search for next empty bin available in the storage type irrespective of mixed indicator

So with Strategy L if you are planning to activate the mixed indicator that won't be much helpful if you are planning to change the strategy then you have to remove all the quant from the storage type before changing the strategy

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Hi Manish,

Our requirement is to have two batches allowed one pallet. E.g, one pallet have 36 CV which consists of two batches (24+12).  At the time of GRN, we want these two batches in one storage unit (pallet ID). Instead of L what other strategy can we use to achieve our requirement.



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Hi Sakkir,

Looking at your requirement i don't think any of our SAP standard strategy is going to help you hence you need to write your own logic in the user exit

User exit ---- MWMTO003 - Customer-defined putaway strategy

Let me know if you need any further input

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Try using putaway strategy addition to existing stock.

Try something like this:

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Hi Mihailo,

You are right they can go for I- Addition to existing stock but None of our SAP standard strategy is having the functionality that how many batch you can store on a pallet(in the above thread they want to store only two batch), it always consider the overall Pallet quantity hence my suggestion is to go with the Custom putaway strategy

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This one should behave well under these circumnstances:

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Hi Manish,

I am able to accommodate more than one batch per pallet manually. However we have enabled the auto TO creation, when the TO is created in the background I want to have different batches in one pallet ID as per the palletization data maintained in the material master.



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Hi Sakkir,

Are you facing any issue at the time of TO Creation if yes,please share the error message with message number

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Hi Manish,

There are no error messages. I maintained the palletization data in the material master as 36 CV, at the time of GRN system create three different pallets into three different bins (three different batch of 24+12+12). I cancel the TO and manually created the TO with two batches in one pallet in the same bin. But at the time of TO creation I want system to put two batches in the same pallet and bin (24+12) and the remaining qty 12 into other bin.



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Did you test storage type settings I have provided?

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Hi Mihailo,

Yes i did the settings as you provided, I can manually create the TO with two batches in the same bin/pallet. But when the TO is created in the background system creating three different pallet ID's for three different bins.



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Oh I see, so with newly created settings the system behaves like that...

Ok, let's do this now.
Try testing again, but now block all other storage bins except that one,
let's see if the system throws you the error during putaway TO creation.

If it does go to Environment => Stor.bin search log and post that screen here.


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Hi Mihailo,

I have blocked all the bins so no TO is created. I create the TO manually from the TR and the log screen is below.

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Do you already have stock in FG4? It does not look so, as your strategy changes immediately to L next empty bin.

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Hi Sakkir

Could you please check the point highlighted by Jurgen,

one more point

i can see the source storage type is coming as 901 and sbin as dynamic bin(production / process order number) so your two batch which are you planning to mix on one pallet are they from the same production order / process order

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Hi Jurgen,

I have stock in storage type FG4.



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Hi Manish,

I have stock in storage type FG4 and the I am doing the GRN for one production order.



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can you share a screen shot of this quant in FG4?

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If you have a quant it should propose putaway as "Addition to existing stock" basically does that.

But if it still doesn't propose putaway to ST "FG4", please change temporarily storage type search strategy for ST indicator "FG4" to search only in storage tpye "FG4", exclude ST "VSA" for now.

Try again and post the screen.

You should get some meaningful error about storage type "FG4" now, post it here please, just like the previous screenshot.

It is weird though, as Jurgen said, the system behaves like there is no stock in "FG4", it automatically skips to "Next empty bin" strategy in the same storage type.

Or instead of changing your putaway ST search strategy, you can create one quant in your ST "VSA".
Then post us the screen from bin search log.

Or the best thing to do, do both, and post both screens from search logs during TO creation.
That should help us to find out a few more things, hopefully...