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Differences between reports LL01 and LS24 for negative stock

Former Member
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Dear friends,

Could you tell me the difference between the reports " Warehouse Activity Monitor" (LL01) and "Stock Per Material" (LS24)..

When the negative stock option is chosen ,LL01 is not displaying certain materials with the negative stock.However these materials with the negative stock are displayed in the report LS24.

What could be the reasons?




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Former Member
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There are a couple of things to tell you here.

Firstly LS24 - This shows one material only and you will see where this material is all over the warehouse.

Secondly there is an alternative if you want to see all materials and that is LX02 and in the st type field put *** and you will see everything in the warehouse and if you sort on the available qty field (descending I think but try both) all of your negatives will come to the top of the screen with the largest negative first.

Thirdly LL01 This will only show negative stocks for the storage types that have been included in the configuration for this. Also the negatives in LL01 will only appear after the amount of time you have set in the congiguration whereas in LS 24 you will see them immediately.

So for instabce if you set st type XXX to show negatives after 24 Hours you will not see them in LL01 for 24 Hours but they will be in LS24 AND LX02 immediately.

This does not mean that LL01 is wrong just that youi need to make some adjustments in the config and be clear as to what you want to see and when.

I hope that this helps