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Difference between some columns in VBAK/VBAP

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Hi masters,

I found some columns in VBAK/VBAP is quite similar, could anyone tell me the difference between them?

  • In VBAK: SD document category(VBTYP) and Sales Document Type(AUART)
  • In VBAP: Sales document item category (PSTYV) and Item type(POSAR)

Thanks in advance!


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First, the category indicates what type of sales document it is - e.g. sales order, delivery, etc.

The document type determines the processing flow. In our system, we have different document types for different groups, and postings go to different general ledger accounts.

On the second one, item category describes the different items being "sold" or delivered - service, materials. In our system, POSAR is blank.

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Hi Tammy,

thanks for your reply!

Could I understand like this: AUART could be customized, and it has a reference table TVAK, thus the category could be more in detail, but VBTYP is standard, which the type could be more general?

The same way by PSTYV and POSAR?

Thank a lot!


Active Contributor

In my experience, category is more general - high level containing sales orders, quotes

AUART is customizable - where I work, there are different types of AUART's for sales orders

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Thanks a lot!

