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Difference between Rebate Access and Pricing Access

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Can I have an explanation for the difference between Rebate Access and Pricing Access.

Thanks in advance.

Vaideeson M

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Hi Vaideeson

As far as i understand your query , you are asking about the difference between the Rebate Access and Pricing Access.

Pricing Access- In pricing access when you maintain access sequence then you should keep the access field blank that means this access key is relavent for pricing

Rebate Access- If you are creating the access sequence for rebates then you should keep the access field as 1 which means that this accesses sequence is relavent for rebate .



Answers (5)

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In pricing access sequence we have one EXCLUSIVE box wich is next to the description.That we can tick on that.The job of that colume is we are restricting to access the condition type if the condition meet the requirement.

But in case of rebate access sequence the is no EXCLUSIVE colume.It means we can use multiple table.

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If your question has been answered, then pls close the thread as per the rules of this forum.

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The difference lies in the fact that if you mark an access sequence for Rebates, then when you get inside the access sequnce, you can only add the condition tables that have been created for rebates.

You wont see the tables that were created for normal pricing in the drop down. There is also a separate field catalog for rebates.

Hope this helps

Former Member
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What do you want to ask my friend actually ?
