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Delivery w/o order pricing

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when i increase delivery quantity in delivery document from 1 to 2 then system will pick up the correct price while doing the billin

even if i add one line item then also system pick up the correct price

for eg


M-01 qantitity 1 50 rupees in order

changes in delivery

M-01 qty 2 (Incresed)       TAN

M-02 qty 1(line item added) DLN

in billing

M-01 qty 2 price 100

M-02 qty 1 Price 40

my questin is how the pricing picked up in deliver for M-01 and M-03

and when i create delivery w/o order means lo for M-02 then in billing the price is not picked up

please clarify

thanks in advance

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Hi Azhad,

If you want to get the pricing in delivery which is created without reference to any order then you have to assign delivery type with the pricing procedure.

And there should be copy control maintained for delivery to invoice in VTFL.

Here in price source value will be "D" for your case.Standard delivery type without reference to any order is LO  and in LO delivery type we have

Default order type DL through which we have some control in determination.

When you are changing any quantity of the material or added any material in delivery then in billing you are saying pricing is coming.If delivery is created with reference to order then give me the screenshot of the copy control of Delivery to invoice.

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scenario 1

order m-01 qty 1 price 10rs.

in delivery i increased the quantity from 1 to 2 now system use item cat TAN and price become 20rs

now i added one more line item in delivery let say m-02 qty 1 system propose item category for this item DLN and propose the price 15 ruppes

scenario 2 if i create a delivery w/o order LO then also system use item cat DLN but price will be zero

my question is from where system picks the price for extra item added in delivery
