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Deletion Indicator LOEKZ in EKKO table

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Can some one tell me what is the purpose of the filed LOEKZ -Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document in EKKO - PO header table?

The same field LOEKZ is alos there at EKPO - PO line item table which will indicate whether an item has been flagged for Deletion or Block indicator.

But at header table EKKO also the same field LOEKZ is existing. I do not understand what for it is. I checked for a PO for which all line items are flagged for deletion. But still I could see only at EKPO table level and in EKKO table this filed LOEKZ is blank

Can some one help ?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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the given OSS note is Special development for IS-PS.

The EKKO_LOEKZ is used when archiving. first all items get a deletion indicator, then you archive the PO.

archiving is a multi step prcoces, first you write data to an archive. and in a subsequent step this archive is verified and the data from the tables get deleted.

In the short time between writing the archive and deleting the table records, the EKKO_LOEKZ has a value.

If you enter anything in that field, then SAP must assume that this record is already archived, and will not archive it again. but the phyiscal deletion is as well not possible, because this record does not exist in any archive.

Former Member
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Thanks for your reply

My understanding from your explanation is , the field LOEKZ in EKKO table can not be mainatained manually through PO transcation such as ME22 or ME22N

This can either be done through function module or during PO archiving process .

Is my understanding is correct?


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it cannot be maintained in ME22 or ME22N, that s correct.

it unfortunatly can be done with MEMASSPO mass transaction that uses BAPI technologie.

It should not be maintained by a user, not even with a function module.

It will automatically update when Archiving is in process.

Just dont care about this field , dont touch it.

Former Member
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Thanks a lot my docubt clarified


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
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EKPO is the purchase order line item table. It contains an entry of each material on a given purchase order.

Deleted purchase order lines are identified by the deletion indicator (EKPO-LOEKZ).

Whereas EKKO is the purchase order header table. Purchase orders that are deleted can be identified by the deletion indicator (EKKO-LOEKZ). it is important to note that deleted purchase orders will not be removed from this table.

Hope this helps you.

Let me know if you need more help.



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When you set this indicator at header level all items are provided with a deletion indicator when you set the deletion indicator at header level.

If you want to undo the deletion indicator again, however, the system does not unlock any item as it is not known whether this item was deleted manually or by means of the deletion at header level. Therefore, you must decide for each individual item whether it must be unlocked or not.

It is a provision provided by sap to delete the po at header level ( sap note 578630 )

Refer sap note 688856 for setting this indicator.

