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Deficit of BA qual.insp prev. 5 PC : 000000005000000151 3001 FG01 0000004791 Message no. M

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Dear PP and QM Expert!

Need your Help -Urgent

I have Completed the UD (QM)and the UD has already Reversed from Unrestricted to Quality Inspection Stock ,i Am Trying the Production order Cancilation(CO13) but the System gives the below message : Deficit of BA qual.insp prev. 5 PC : 000000005000000151 3001 FG01 0000004791

1st Check MMBE :

2nd Check QA32 :

3rd Check QA12

4th we are trying to Production Order Cancil/Revers but the system given the Message :::::

Also we are cheking CO02 but there have no System techo.

Please check and help me for Urgent basis ,Please

M.G Rabbani















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Hello @mdgolamrabbani 

Check the note 1718213 - Error 'M7 021' is raised when trying to post a goods issue with posting date in the previo...

The message M7021 says:  Deficit of BA qual.insp prev. 5 PC : 000000005000000151 3001 FG01 0000004791. "prev." component means that the movement is being posted in the previous period and the missing stock is in the previous period.

It looks like the initial production confirmation was posted in the previous period, i.e. 07.2024. However the UD reversal was posted in the current period only, i.e. 08.2024. Now you try to reverse the production confirmation and the reversal is being posted in the previous period, just like the original confirmation.

As per note 1718869 - FAQ: Confirmation

When you cancel a confirmation, the system uses the posting date of the confirmation that is to be canceled as the posting date. In general, you are not able to change the posting date.

Therefore, you should have posted UD reversal in the previous period too. 

I guess you need to follow the recommendation from the note now to fix the issue:

If you want the current system date as the posting date for your cancellation, send a request referring to SAP Note 1557598 to SAP.

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski