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Customizing Work flow approve trip (WS20000040)

Former Member
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When the trip expenses are submited, If the approver didn’t take any action(approve/reject) for 5 days (period of time can be changed for testing), Workflow notification should be issued to the next level approver. How and where the 5 day rule will be defined.

Is it possible to define 5 day rule as a parameter and create a tranaction so that business can change the number of days as company policy changes. If doable can you suggest the possible options?

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi again

I forgot to tell you, that when defining the expression for the deadline you can for example use a date field from the workflow container. And this way you'll be able to define the 5-day rule externally.


Former Member
0 Kudos


I assume you are referring to step 000416 in the workflow. If you doube click on the step and then you can select the tab, LATEST START or LATEST END. In here you can set up an expression for the deadline you want. You can set a receiver of message when the deadline was missed.

Hope it helps.
