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Customer Master - Central Delivery Block Functionality

Former Member
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Hello Experts,

The way I've always understood the central delivery block functionality (XD05 / VD05) to work is that when the delivery block is set, any subsquent orders for that customer would have that delivery block automatically set. This is done through configuration (SPRO -> Logisitics Execution -> Shipping -> Deliveries -> Define Reasons for Blocking in Shipping)

I have two business users that say that it didn't used to work like this. They have explained to me that they've seen the system configured to allow them to set a central delivery block, but the block would not copy down to the sales order. Orders would be blocked from delivery until they remove the central delivery block on the customer master.

Have any of you seen this before? Was this a standard feature at one point, or did you have to build something custom?


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Our SAP version is 4.7 and I tested the scenario. It looks it is standard. In our system it is just gives a warning message and no delivery block is applied in the sales order header or item level. Because of warning message, the user can still create and move forward.


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for the input. Yes, it looks like you can do this by:

1.) setting up a delivery block that in configuration that is unchecked for "Orders" and checked for "DDueList"

2.) delivery block in configuration should be assigned to the delivery types it should block.

3.) setting a ship-to partner with a central delivery block (ship-to partner can also be a sold-to partner).

Result: warning during order entry, and delivery blocked through manual creation (VL01N) and through Delivery Due List (VL10 / VL10BATCH)

See OSS note 485488 for more details on the topic.

Former Member
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Hi Milos,

When you block customer centrally, or in selected sales area, and then u create sales order it gives warning message no. V1040 "Customer 100030 has delivery block:XXXXXX"

you can change this warning message in to error message.

Messsage starts from V1 cannot change by any t-code in error message.

This can be changed by using the T.Code "SE91".

Enter the class V1 and Enter the message number 040.

here you can change warning message in to error message. you get your technical consultant help if required any advice.