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Custom Data Entry Profie screen variant needed

0 Kudos

hi All,

Our client was asking for making modification to the Order the columns currently being displayed for CAT2 trx.


For profile 1, the client wants the column display in the following order:

Receiver WBS Element - Network - Actvity type - CO Area - Rec. CCtr

For Data entry profile 2, the client wants the column display in the following order, and doesn't want WBS Element to be displayed:

CO Area - Rec. CCtr - Network - Actvity type

I have searched if there are any screen variant options available, but not of much help. This is bit urgent, so awaiting your replies.


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0 Kudos

We are going with asking the user to use the variant maintained in CAT2 trx.

Former Member
0 Kudos


After creating the Profile from CAC1 as per your requiremnt go to T COde CAC2. Where you can give your columns possibility for the profile base.

Click on Data entry selection --> click on influencing --> Give your profile name --> And check which feild you want as input parameter. For Ex Activity type is CATSD-TASKTYPE.

Save the profile and check in CAT2 for any employee time booking so that you can check the feilds are as per your req or not.



0 Kudos

hi Srinu,

What you have mentioned, covers the requirement for fields that are to be: Displayed / Ready for input or Hidden. We have checked the possiblity for changing the position of columns under: IMG -> Cross Application compnents -> Time Sheet -> Specific settings for CATS Notebook -> Setup Field Selections

except that, we are not sure if we want to go with it at this point. Thanks for your input though. - Pg. 58 shows the normal way we use to change the sequence of columns (per release 4.6C), and we are using ECC 6.0. Not sure why this functionality is not working for CAT2.

Former Member
0 Kudos


We have ECC 6.0 and i did try the option from the SAP documnet. I was able to save the changes as a variant after making the column changes. And it is still there when i log off and log back in. Are you saying you do not see the icon for saving the variant? If yes, the that could be due to the security restrictions in your user profile.



0 Kudos


Thank you for responding. I am in 'Data Entry view' (CAT2 trx), and, I do see a small icon with 3bars on top right hand corner. When I click on it & on 'Administrator' button, I see the 'Position' column vaues grayed out. I have tried using SHD0 for CAT2, and it wont work either. However, it is working just fine for MIRO trx.

Q-1: Can you please guide which 'Authorization' under SU21 -> HR I shall check in order to be able to change the layout?.

Q-2: I also see in Pg. 58 in, the other option listed as -> worklist [Extern]. Do you have any idea on how I can track through this option?.


0 Kudos


Yes, I don't see the "Save as variant' option in CAT2. What we are trying to do is, figure out if we can save a screen layout for CAT2 with the column sequence as desired by client for a certain "Data Entry Profile". Please share your thoughts on this.


Former Member
0 Kudos


The screen which we get once we click "Administrator" button is greyed out for me as well. But i tried the option from that documnet. It basically says to drag and drop the columns using the left mouse button (similar to how we move around columns in an excel). You need to do this first and then click that icon. When the new screen comes up under "Maintain Variants" give your varaint name and hit "Save" button. Next time when you come in to CAT2 you will see the screen as you modifed.

