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Cross-Company Stock transfer with configurable items "Make to order"

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we would like to use the configuration process for make to order (own production and also external procurement) .

Is it possible to transfer configurable items with cross-company purchase order from one plant to another plant

(different company-code, different country)?

Thank you.


Isidro da Silva Rodrigues

Modulbetreuer SAP MM

SFS services AG, Informatik

Rosenbergsaustr. 20, CH-9435 Heerbrugg

T +41 71 727 6405, F +41 71 727 5237

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Answers (2)

Former Member
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Basically as per the description, customer has raised a purchase requisition for which you need to supply the product.

I agree with you in wish process in which your one plant is actually procuring the material and then getting it transferred to the plant where customer has placed the order. Now as your both plants which are involved in this procurement belongs to same company code. So the process can done.

I would like to further details, if any


Tushar Patankar

0 Kudos

Hello Tushar Patankar,

actually we using the process of cross company stock transfers with configurable items as "individual PO" (account assignment customer order).

Plant A with company code A is ordering this material at

Headquarter Plant B with company code B.

Plant B is manufacturing it inhouse. Handled with special stock E "orders on hand".

This is working, smoothly.

New process is same same situation like above but different with external procurement.

Problem: Account assignment = customer order from Plant A.

For this we assigned the profit center from Plant A also in company code of Plant B (Tx KE53)

With external procurement in Headquarter Plant B the account assignment in external PO is the customer order of Plant A with profi center in Plant A.

Goods receipt happens to profit center of Plant B (correct). invoice receipt happens to profit center of Plant A (not correct for our company).

We want to avoid to book in MIRO profit center of foreign companies/plant.

Maybe with enhancement LMR1M001 and user exit EXIT_SAPLMR1M_002.?!

Looking forward for your comment.


isidro da Silva Rodrigues

Former Member
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Yes it is possible to transfer configurable material from one company to another company code.

It is special form of procurement called as stock transport order.

But during this material transfer you can only transfer the material from unrestricted stock type to material in unrestricted stock type of the other company code.

I hope this is informative.


Tushar Patankar

0 Kudos

Hello Tushar Patankar

Thank you very much for your answer.

o.k. Transfer from one plant to another for configurable items is only from unrestricted stock possible.

Here a description of our request.

1. Customer order with configurable item in plant A (Make to order)

2a. Cross-Company purchase order with reference to purchase requisition coming from the customer order from plant A at

plant B (different company-code, different country)

2b. Requirement for Cross-Company order from plant A in plant B

4. External procurement in plant B at vendor (Make to order)

At best situation - account assignment to the customer order from plant A) BUT This as we think is not possible

5. Goods receipt in plant B (special stock sales order stock)

6. Cross-Company Transfer delivery from plant B to plant A

7. Goods receipt in plant A (special stock sales order stock)

8. Delivery to customer

Alternatively we are thinking about 2 other processes

1. External purchase order from plant A directly at Vendor

Process clear and possible, but actually not desired.

2. Cross-Company Sales order with delivering/supplying plant B

Process clear and possible, but we would like to send the goods nevertheless to plant A and not directly to the Customer.

If we would transfer the goods from the stock unrestricted use, from plant A to plant B we have no or we loose the reference to customer order.

What do you think about our Wish process or the second alternativ process?!

Thank you very much.

Best regards

Isidro da Silva Rodrigues