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Country specific material description

Former Member
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Hello all,

I was wondering if there are any ways to maintain material descriptions specific to a certain country. For instance, I have a material that has a description according to the country, but the actual material data is the same for all countries. In fact, the material is the same, but it is replicated for every country because of this limitation.

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards.


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You can use info records to maintain a customer-specific material description.


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You can maintain the material description in different langauges in the ADDITIONAL DATA > TO DESCRIPTION. They are not counrty specific , they are language specific.

You can make use of the 'Correspondence Language' see note 112065 and not 302063

Correspondence Language in Unicode systems.


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material description are usually LANGUAGE specific, not country specific.

You can maintain the description in alternative languages in material master. There is a button for additional data.

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That is actually my problem. I NEED material description to be country specific because, for instance, a material (FERT) is sold with diferente names in countries that are under the same language.

Thanks for your answer anyway.

Best Regards.


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I guess the so-called correspondence langugae may help you.

But a Z1 Language can do the job as well

for more see OSS notes

Note 302063 - Correspondence Language

Note 112065 - Using customer language 'Z1'

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Austria and Germany speaks same language but the material description could be different for same material code.