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Costing Of Configurable Material

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We have a scenario here.

We create the sales order in the sales Plant

We do a STO to Production Plant where explode the BOM which has an configurable sub-assembly

When we run an MRP this creates a another STO for the configurable material to be produced in the supplying plant.

Now, the questions are

1) How do I create the cost estimate for the configurable material

2) How do I get it to reflect in my parent order.



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Active Contributor

Dear Siva,

In the case of configurable material,they will be having a super BOM and super Routing defined with object dependencies.

To do the costing for configurable material you can use T code - CU50 (configuration simulation)

Here in CU50 you can select the characteristics values which ultimately selects the valid BOM and Routing required for variant

production and do the costing and check.

Also check this SAP link to explore more on this topic,

Also check this thread



0 Kudos

Dear Mangalraj ,

Thats a very good link and is self explanatory. Essentially , from what it is apprently evident , we can just do a Costing Simulation for a Configurable material using CU50. However , when it comes to valuation of a Configurable product , we have to essentially fall back on the result of either a Sales order cost estimate / Standard cost estimate ( as the case may be ) for valuating the goods movements pertaining to this configurable material.

Thanks again for educating me on this topic.



Active Contributor
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Dear Venkat,

Happy to hear that the links which I have provided has helped you to some extent.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Siva,

the sales order cost estimate will always do a multi-level explosion and will take the actual configuration into account. When you maintain the production plant as the source of supply for the sales plant and when you enter the actual configuration properties into the sales order ,the sales order cost estimate should work in the scenario correctly. No standard cost estimate for the configurable material will be necessary. The goods movements will take the standard price estimated from the sales order into account.

best regards, Udo