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Copying BOM from one plant to another

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I need to copy an alternative material BOM from plant X to plant Y. But when i try to use the "Copy from" functionality in cs01 transaction, the field of plant from which the BOM is to be copied is freezed.

I suppose it is because at least one alternative for that BOM already exists in the plant. Please help.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Please check it may helpful.

To create BOM, you can either allocate the BOM from the existing plant using CS07 or to do it in mass use .



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Use T.Code: CS01 and create the BOM in Plant 2 by Copying from Plant 1. If you want to do it in mass then make a LSMW accordingly.

Also you can use FM to copy BOM from one plant to another plant.

Check the below link:

Hope it will help you.


Alok Tiwari

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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Dear All,

i guess i have miscommunicated my query.

Ill try to elaborate the scenario.

I have a BOM maintained for a material in 2 plants - X & Y.

Now. I create alternative no. 2 for the BOM at plant X.

I need the same BOM at the plant Y as well.

The system is not allowing me to do this.

It says "Further allocations can be made only from the same BOM"

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You have already saved this document in the second plant.

Try copying the material in cs01 and Create it by copying it from plant 1.

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"Further allocations can be made only from the same BOM" cause once you create a alternative its valid for that plant and linked to first BOM. when you try to extend this alternative to second plant it will not allow ofr above said reason.

try this, first create BOM without any plant, create Alternatives of it ,and after this extend it to other plants.

I am not sure , you can create altyernatives without giving plants or not , you need to check.

Hope it may work.

Please try and share your findings.

another option is,copy BOM in fiels and write a LSMW to create alternative in second plant.



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Hi Neeraj,

I created a Group BOM and its alternative too.

when i tried it to assign to planst , system doesnt permit me to do so.

then i created BOM in one plant for same material then created its altenative too and

then i used CS07 and using new assignment i sucessfuly assiged it aswell as altervaTive to second plant.

it works fine, so please check your materials inside the BOM are all of them exist in both plant.



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Dear Rohan,

Did you create BOM for the same material in two different plants.?

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yes, same material , first i created it in first plant then created its alternative in first plant and then extended both to second p[lant and it works fine.


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Dear Ritesh,

This is not the issue.

What you need to do is create a BOM for a material in two different plants.

Then create alternative BOM at one plant.

So you will have 2 alternatives BOM at plant 1 and 1 alternative BOM at plant 2.

Now try to create alternative no 2 at plant 2 by copying alternative 2 from plant 1.

This is where I am facing the issue.

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Yes Neeraj,

It will not work as once you created BOM independently , there alternatives cant be connected.

A alternative can be created only by copying its parental relationship.



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So its not possible.?

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Neeraj ,

why you are creating BOM seprately for 2 plants initialy , why dont as a group BOM ( without a plant).

Then extend this to 2 plants.

Then create alternative for group BOM.

and extend it to 1 or both the plants and in this way they will be connected.

if you create a initial BOM seprately , while ctrteating alternative sustem will not allow you to access other BOM then a parental BOM.

In many bussniess where we need , a similar BOM's in diffeent plants , we do follow this approach by creating BOM without a plant and then extend them where ever applicable.

check may be it sounds you logical too.



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I cannot use this solution.

I have 1000s of material BOMs maintained across 5 plants and most of these have more than 4-5 alternatives.

Not feasible in my scenario.

Thank you very much for the help.

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Hi neerajagrawal,

Its so simple method is there:

Firstly go to CS01 and give the details for it OK. Then on the top there will be an icon called Copy OK. If you press that you can get a pop-up window which shows you from plant & storage location and to plant & storage location OK.

I hope it works any queries revert me back ok.

